Page 46 of Risky Desires
She cocked her eyebrow. “That’s not me agreeing.”
“Sounded like it to me, Captain Bossy Boots.”
She threw her head back in a laugh that made her stunning boobs bounce. “All right, one drink, and it’s your treat.”
“Deal.” I offered my hand.
She playfully smacked it away. “Don’t expect me to hold back on telling you all the reasons I think cops are assholes.”
I grinned back at her. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Careful what you wish for, Kingsley.”
“Yeah? I already told you—you don’t know me.”
“And you don’t know who you’re dealing with.” She thumped my arm and marched away.
“Just so you know . . . I love a challenge, Captain Bossy Boots.”
Giggling, she stepped onto the bridge. Behind the windshield, she studied a few gadgets before she clutched the steering wheel and turned it a fraction.
I waved.
She flashed the bird at me.
As the lights of Rosebud grew brighter in the distance, I rang Aria.
“We’re about an hour away from Rosebud Wharf,” I said.
“Good. Any issues?”
“None. But I’m still getting that feeling.” The beat of a chopper thumped in the distance. A helicopter was aiming straight for us. “I’ve got a chopper heading toward us. Is that Levi?”
“Shit. No, Billie is still in labor. Levi is with her in hospital.”
“It’s headed straight for us.”
“Son of a bitch,” Aria hissed.
I sprinted to the bridge.
“What’s wrong?” Indiana’s eyes flared.
“A chopper is inbound.” As I pointed toward it, a massive floodlight came on beneath the cockpit.
“What does it look like?” Aria asked.
“It’s too far away to see yet.”
The powerful beam tracked across the water like a glowing sword.
“What the fuck’s going on?” Old Smithy charged into the room like a wounded beast, carrying a half-empty bottle of whiskey.
“We’ve got company,” I said.
“No shit. I’m not blind.” He glared at me. “Who is it?”