Page 32 of Cirque Obscurum
“Stables Orphanage,” he whispers, the words dragged from his nightmares where he’s trapped.
“Good boy. Rest now. Let the cirque take care of you.”
I watch as he settles in once more, and then I stand, letting my expression become cold as I turn and head out of the tent.
We have a hunt, and this time, I won’t shy away from it.
Ember is waiting for us when the show finishes and the cirque shuts down for the night. She looks madder than I’ve ever seen her. “What’s wrong?” I ask, checking her over. Did she get hurt? Did something happen during the show? I’ll cut whoever hurt her.
“We’re going on a hunt,” she snaps, and we share a look.
“I didn’t feel a call,” Diamond hedges, speaking the words we’re all thinking.
“I did while you were performing. I followed it.”
I blink, confused as I circle her, taking in the grass stains on her pants and the fury vibrating off her in waves.
“There was this kid, Noah, out there all alone. He’s been abused and was half dead when I found him. Dr. Louis looked him over, and he’s resting now, but he’s in really bad shape. It’s going to take him weeks to heal from his wounds, and even longer from the trauma he’s suffered. Poor kid,” she growls, rubbing her forehead. “He said he’s from an orphanage near here. The cirque wants us to hunt.” Her eyes meet mine. “I want to hunt.”
“Pretty, violent thing,” I purr as I stop behind her, my mouth meeting her ear. “You want bloodshed.”
“Yes,” she admits without shame. “I want to hurt whoever hurt that poor boy. I want them to suffer.”
“I didn’t feel it at all. How weird,” Spade murmurs.
“Where’s his card?” Club asks.
“He doesn’t have one,” she replies, “but the cirque led me to him. It called, and I answered. It wants us to help.”
“This has never happened before. Without a card?” Diamond glances between us. “I think we should think this through?—”
“I’m going with or without you. Nobody,” she snarls as she points in the direction of her tent, “deserves to be hurt like that. He’s innocent. He’s a fucking kid. Who knows what else they are doing there. He’s skin and bones. Someone whipped him,” she spits. “I’m asking you to come with me, but I can go alone. Either way, I’m going.”
The others hesitate, but not me.
“You want to hunt?” I whisper against her skin, meeting Diamond’s eyes. “Then let’s hunt, pretty little killer.”
It seems our queen has accepted who she is, and she looks fucking phenomenal. I don’t know what seeing this kid did to her, but it sent her over the edge.
There’s only so far you can push a person before they go insane. Everyone has a breaking point. I know all about that.
Her mask is firmly in place, and her hair is in pigtails as she stands at my side, looking up at the orphanage. Despite the boot on her leg, she kept up with us as we made our way here. It’s not too far from the circus, just a few miles down the road, and we didn’t want to drive and alert them. She didn’t complain once despite the hindrance, her mind on our destination.
It stands on the top of a hill, an old gothic-style building in drab gray with huge iron fences and gates. “Stables Orphanage” is proudly displayed across the top of the iron, but it looks more like a prison than any home for children. There used to be flowering vines that climbed the walls, but they’ve long since died, causing everything to look even more eerie than it already does in the dim light.
It started to rain not too long ago, making our journey cold and miserable, yet Ember still burns hot with anger, and it makes me hard as hell. I want to feel that fury painted across my skin.
“If we go in there, then there’s no coming out without blood on your hands,” Diamond warns her. Even from here, we can taste the violence and death in the air. Whatever nightmares lie behind these gates, we’ll face them, and it won’t be pretty. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt a place so evil—not since I was a child, facing my own nightmares.
She pushes her mask up despite the rules, looking us over before staring at the building. The storm clouds and rain will hide her identity, so no one corrects her, but it’s a mistake that can’t be replicated. We leave no trace, not even memories of our faces.
The rain smears her makeup, making her look like she’s been crying even as she smiles wickedly. The red chalk staining the ends of her hair drips like blood. “I know what I’m here for. Let’s hunt.” There’s no hesitation in her voice, no fear. She has one purpose and one purpose only: revenge for the little boy back in her tent.
If only I had an avenging angel like her when I was so young.