Page 59 of Cirque Obscurum
The release rises like a tidal wave and washes over me violently. My legs shake as my pussy spasms, and I throw my head back. His hand slaps over my mouth to capture my moan as I come around my fingers. It’s not enough though. I want more. Oh god, I want so much more.
“That’s enough for tonight,” he purrs against my throat. “But first . . .”
He reaches between my legs and grips my wrist, dragging my hand up to his mouth. “I want to taste what was meant for me.”
He licks my fingers before sucking them inside his mouth. I gasp as he cleans them, taking every last drop, and hums with pleasure.
“Diamond,” I beg, desperate for him.
“Not yet,” he murmurs, his own arousal stretching his pants. “Not yet.”
“For fuck’s sake, why not?” I growl, annoyed, aroused, and desperate.
There’s fire in his eyes, a raging beast locked up tight behind a cage. He holds the key in his hand, ready to burst out, but he’s purposely holding himself back.
“Because I’ll destroy you,” he snarls. “Because I’ll remake you and fuck you until you shatter. Because I won’t stop when you beg me to. Because I will take all of you.” He grabs my chin roughly. “I will consume you, Ember, and you aren’t ready for that. You only had a taste of me last time. I let you take control. When I fuck you this time, I will ruin you.”
Club appears out of the darkness behind him like a vengeful wraith, his eyes dancing with fire.
“Now be a good girl and let Club fuck you,” Diamond orders. “I’ll tend to myself.”
“I could help?—”
“No,” he snarls. “I’ll tend to the beast. Go.” At my hesitation, he flashes his teeth. “Go, Ember.”
I stand when Club takes my hand and starts to pull me away. I don’t release Diamond’s until I’m too far away to hold on, our fingers sliding apart. It pains me to watch him sit there, his eyes riveted to me.
“Diamond,” I rasp, worried for him.
The devil who sits on the stage.
The beast who barely restrains himself.
The man who sits in darkness.
Ihaven’t seen Diamond since last night, and I’m concerned. Even after spending an amazing night in Club’s arms, my thoughts go back to our surly ringmaster and the devil I saw in his eyes. For some fucking reason, I want to be the one who releases his beast.
I find myself in the big top midday when everyone else is resting for tonight’s show, searching for our illusive leader to no avail, but then a whistle cuts through the air. My head jerks up, my eyes widening when I see Heart. He grins at me, hanging upside down from his trapeze wire. One knee is bent over it, and the other leg is near his head. There’s no net or safety precautions below him as per usual.
“Queen,” he purrs, “welcome to my web of fun. Want to play?”
I should say no, I should find Diamond, but something about the dare in his voice and the taunt in his eyes makes me think he expects me to and that it would alter something between us. Flirting and being with Heart is like walking . . . well, a tightrope. One wrong move and I’ll fall, and he won’t be there to catch me.
You have to be brave enough to love a monster like him and strong enough to prove it.
The thrill and danger is exciting, pushing me to be better than I was, and maybe I need that right now. I’m feeling a little raw after last night, so maybe I need to remind both of us that I’m no fragile flower.
I’m a queen.
“Queen, do you dare?” His whisper wraps around me, and I can’t help but smile.
I turn away without giving him my answer, and I feel his disappointment wash over me, but when I reach the bottom rung of the ladder and kick off my shoes, his inhale fills the air. I don’t look at him as I grip the metal rungs. The ladder goes straight up, more of a pole with handles, and it stretches to the very top of the tent where the platforms are attached.
Taking a deep breath, I pull myself up and start to climb, not looking down or back. I don’t let myself think, just feel. My hands grip the metal rungs one after the other. I can feel his anticipation, can hear him on the wire, so I turn to see him. He’s on his feet, his head tilted as he watches me, and when I meet his gaze, he flips forward, landing on his hands, his feet in the air as he starts to walk toward the platform across the thin wire. My mouth drops at the stunt, and I reach up to the next rung without looking. My hand misses, and I gasp, slipping, my arm hanging down as I lose grip with my feet. He hears and rights himself, watching but not helping.