Page 73 of Cirque Obscurum
“Are you threatening me, Ember?” he purrs, tugging Melvin tighter against his body, his hand tightening once more on his shoulder. Melvin lets out a gasp of pain, one that goes straight to my heart like a spike. “You’ve grown brave in your time away from me. Not to worry. I can break that again. If you come home now, I’ll let them live. I only want you. If not . . .” His hand tightens even more, his threat obvious. “Well, we both know I know exactly how to make it hurt and end a life. You’re mine, Ember. Now come home.”
He holds out his other hand. Gritting my teeth, I glance at Melvin, trying to assure him it’s okay as I step closer, needing to get him away from Roger before he hurts him further.
I glance briefly at Greg, who is sneaking up on them, no doubt hearing the commotion, and I shake my head slightly. We can’t risk him hurting Melvin.
“Now, Ember. I’m losing my patience. This is your last warning,” Roger snaps.
“I will never go with you,” I spit as I step closer, reaching out and gripping Melvin’s arm. “This is your last warning. If I see you again, I won’t spare you. I’ll kill you myself.”
A noise behind me has Roger glancing away for a second.
“Hey! What the hell are you doing?” the teenager calls as he emerges from the back. It’s the distraction we need. I grab Melvin and push him through the door behind him and Roger, shopping forgotten. Greg runs after us, and we dive into the car and take off without any delay, desperate to get away.
My heart beats strongly in my throat as I realize how close we were to being in trouble. When I glance in the mirror, I see Roger standing in the middle of the road, his hand lifted in a wave and a mocking smile on his lips.
The message is clear—he’ll see me soon—but I meant what I said.
The next time I see my husband, I’ll kill him. He won’t hurt my family.
He won’t take my home from me.
It only takes one look at Ember’s face for me to realize something is very wrong. I drop from the silks I’d been playing on, my bare feet hitting the big top floor as the others follow my gaze. All of us instantly forget the setup we were working with.
“Ember?” Spade asks nervously.
She’s pale as she glances between us and swallows hard. “Roger is close,” she announces. Those three words are filled with terror, and a fire ignites within me I can’t contain, my madness flaring as I see her fear.
I never want her to be afraid, not like this, and I prowl toward her, needing her to understand she’s safe. My eyes run across her body, checking for any injuries, but she seems unharmed.
“He threatened her,” Greg says at her side. Melvin is tucked under his arm, but Greg looks at Ember, checking her over.
“Take Melvin and watch him,” Diamond snaps.
Greg nods, shooting Ember another worried look before he wraps his arm around the kid and guides him from the tent, leaving us alone with our girl.
“What happened?” Club asks as I circle Ember, pulling her into my arms and placing my head on her shoulder. She lets out a shuddering breath and leans back into me, her hand covering mine on her stomach.
“We ran into town to get supplies. He showed up while we were shopping. He threatened Melvin in an attempt to get me to go with him. I managed to get out, but he’s here. We have to leave. He’ll come?—”
I slide my hand across her face and cover her lips as I press my mouth to her ear. “Breathe deeply for me,” I command. Sliding my other hand up, I press it against her chest so she’s tight against me. “Breathe with me. In.” I take a breath and release it. “Out.”
She slowly starts to relax, leaning back into me.
“No more going into town alone. We do everything together,” Diamond orders. “But we aren’t leaving.” He shares a look with us. “Let him come. He’ll have a fight on his hands. We can’t run forever, Ember. We’ll make our stand. This is our home, our people. You are our queen. He can’t have you. Understand?”
She nods, kissing my hand, so I let go of her mouth, kissing her neck as she relaxes further. “He will come,” she warns us.
“Let him,” Club replies. “I’ve been wanting to go a second round with him.”
My dark chuckle makes her shudder. “I’ve been saving toys for when he arrives,” I admit.
We calm her as best as we can, but we can still feel her concern, and I don’t blame her. If he’s here, then it’s for one thing only—her.
“He’ll never get you,” I promise in her ear. “I’ll kill him before he even touches a hair on your head.”