Page 89 of Cirque Obscurum
I am free. We are free. There are no more ghosts to haunt us now. Only the hope for our future and the knowledge that we can face anything together.
Sunlight streams through the trees and lights up the circus tents, making the bright colors dance in a beautiful kaleidoscope. The tents are a mix of old and new, of patched and unblemished, but together, they make a quilt of perfection. The sun warms me from the inside out as the cards swim beneath my skin. I trust them completely—the cards, the cirque. I am hers as she is mine. We all belong here.
This is home, something I have always searched for and finally found.
It’s been a few days since my confrontation with Roger. We haven’t moved, choosing to remain here in a town where the cops seem to have disappeared and a gruesome scene that was attributed to wild dogs was revealed in a farmhouse miles from here. They saw the teeth marks and were convinced. I suppose folks out here would never suspect a tiger attack.
It’s been peaceful since then. Every night, our tent is filled with audience members who come to shout and cheer for our acts. Heart is still on bedrest, much to his annoyance, but we’ve kept things going. He’s itching to return, but until then, he shows the heart I gave him to everyone who will look. It’s currently preserved in a jar in his tent, high on a shelf like a real trophy. In exchange for my gift, he carved a Q on his collarbone. They all have. On my own body, each of their suits is a scar, some older like Club’s and some newer like Diamond’s. I wear the marks with pride, just as they do.
Food tastes sweeter now, as if ridding the world of my monster allowed me to become who I was always meant to be. Hilda says it comes with the power of the cirque and that it’s expected. I don’t really know. What I do know is that I sit in her fortune teller tent at night and stare into the eyes of giggling girlfriends and nervous boyfriends, and it’s become easier to read people’s souls. I’ve only given out two joker cards, one to a little boy with ghosts in his eyes. His big brother hovered protectively outside. He’s a good big brother, but not a strong one. I gave them each one. They looked at me with confusion but took the joker cards gratefully. I know we’ll see them again soon.
I take a deep breath, enjoying the scent of summer mixing with the sunshine. In front of me, Greg runs around with the children, laughing with them as they tackle him and try to take him down. He takes pity on them and collapses, shouting in mock fear as they pile on top of him. Some of the older kids look on with smiles, most of their eyes bright and their phantoms fading.
Club is showing some how to throw knives, being patient with them as they throw them and they bounce off a tree. One of the little girls, Viola, sits with Freedom, her back against her as she knits a daisy crown. When she sets it on Freedom’s head, I can’t help but smile. Diamond is sitting with a young boy, showing him how to do a magic trick. Both Spade and Heart tell stories to another group. We’ve welcomed so many children here.
This is what happiness is, I realize.
Here, in the sunshine, in Cirque Obscurum, is happiness.
There will always be darkness in the world. Monsters will lurk in the shadows and nightmares will follow, but we’ll be there to meet them. We’ll be there to chase it away with the sunshine.
“My queen, your presence is requested with the children!” Heart declares. “Apparently, they think they should be knighted!”
Grinning, I make my way over to them, my heart full and mind clear.
I grab the umbrella Heart hands me and hold it aloft like a sword. “Alright! Who’s ready to slay dragons?”
Their cheers go straight to my soul, and I know I am home.
Here, in Cirque Obscurum, where nightmares come to die.
Six months later . . .
“You called?” The dark whisper wraps around me, making me shiver as I glance over my shoulder with a grin to see Diamond framed in my tent doorway. Spade, Club and Heart are behind him.
“I did,” I murmur as I turn to face them, my hair flowing over my shoulder as I stand, naked and waiting for them. Their greedy eyes trace every inch of my body, and I know they love each dip and scar. My thighs clench, and desire spirals through me.
Diamond steps closer, no doubt sensing my intention. I always need them, and tonight is no exception. We have all been busy the last few days, setting up in a new place, and I haven’t gotten to play.
Tonight, I want to play with each of them. I want them to remind me where I belong.
“You once told me you wanted to live and get revenge. You have both now. Is that all you want?” he murmurs as he stops.
“No.” I smirk as I prowl toward him. “I want you all forever.”
Gripping my ringmaster’s hair, I yank his head back as I kiss him, my eyes going to my other men who step inside, letting the flaps shut behind them. Desire and hunger glimmer in their eyes as they watch me. Licking Diamond’s lips, I pull away slightly as I meet his gaze.
“Tonight, your queen wants all of you.”
“What our queen wants, she gets,” he murmurs, licking his lips as his hand slides across my hip. He tugs me closer, dipping me as his lips find mine again in an all-consuming kiss.
Groaning into his mouth, I slide my hands across his built shoulders, down his muscular arms, and up his abs, greedy to touch every inch of him. I break the kiss with a gasp and turn his head, kissing down his throat and chest before I bite his nipple. His hiss fills the air, and suddenly, I’m flying.