Page 63 of Such A Bad Girl
“I’m alright. Some crazy bitch! I don’t know who she is. She wouldn’t tell me her name but I think she went to Westlake with us!”
“We figured that, but who?” West asked.
“I don’t know! She wore a mask over her face the whole time. We have to get out of here. Please? Please get me the fuck out of here now before she comes back!” She was clearly starting to panic. The second she was free from her restraints, she scrambled up the stairs. We followed her out to the SUV.
“Please take me home,” she cried, flinging herself in the back seat.
West and Kaylee flanked her. Rian drove while I sat beside him up front. My heart ached for her. I longed to touch her, to hold her, to comfort her. It was killing me. She was obviously incredibly traumatized and the fact that I couldn’t wrap my arms around her and make her feel safe again was almost too much to bear.
“You’re safe, honey, just breathe,” Kaylee said, holding her close.
“We’re not going to your house,” West said. “Let’s go to my place in Bel Air. It’s more secure. The house is listed under my production company’s name. I don’t want anyone trying to come after us.”
She nodded and then grew quiet, sobbing to herself as Kaylee stroked her hair. We gave her space, and even though I wanted to pepper her with questions so I could figure out exactly who I needed to tear to shreds, I didn’t. Instead, I stewed in my seat, trying to discern how I was going to make this right. I’d promised her I was going to take care of everything, and I’d failed to keep her safe. This was all on me.
First, I’d apologize to her.
Then, I’d confess everything to West. If he felt the need to kick my ass, so be it.
And then, I’d spend the rest of my life trying to make up for this incredible failure by doing everything in my power to keep her safe and happy. If she lets me, that is.
If she didn’t, I’d be lost and miserable and live in a deep state of regret forever.
By the time we made it to Bel Air, Everleigh’s crying had subsided and she was dozing on Kaylee’s shoulder. After arranging for his own personal security team to meet us at his house, West stared out the window, silently and thoughtfully.
His team waited at attention like an army when we pulled through the gate. Their guns were out on full display while they surveyed the property.
“Everything is clear here, West,” one of the men informed him once we got out of the SUV. “We’ve done a complete search of the perimeter, the interior of the house, and all the outbuildings.”
“Thank you,” West replied. “Please don’t leave until I say so. It may be a few days. I’ll have my assistant get in touch with you to get you anything you and your men need while you’re here.
We’ll be keeping our circle tight. Only the people you see here with me right now are allowed on the property until I say otherwise.”
“Understood, sir.”
Kaylee gently shook Everleigh awake. We walked inside together, and Kaylee took Everleigh to one of the bedrooms. Kaylee emerged alone a few minutes later. “I’ll make us some dinner,” she said. “She’s starving. She’s taking a shower, give her a few minutes.”
My eyes stayed glued to the closed bedroom door. All I could think about was getting close to her, pulling her into my arms and keeping her safe forever.
But I’d already done a terrible job of that.
I didn’t deserve to be the one to keep her safe. But I knew I’d spend the rest of my life trying.
She came out half an hour later, looking almost normal except for the lingering fear in her eyes, and her uneven hair. She’d been through a lot, and it was written on her face.
She walked over and sat next to me on the couch. I resisted the urge to touch her, even though it killed me. “I’m so glad you’re safe,” I whispered, the words rushing out of my mouth. Rian was close by, but West and Kaylee were in the kitchen cooking and couldn’t hear us. I put my hand on hers and squeezed tightly. “I was so worried about you. I’m so sorry, Everleigh.” My voice cracked with emotion as I peered deeply in her eyes.
She put her other hand on mine and the warmth spread through me. I’d never been so happy to be touched by someone in my life.
“I’m okay,” she whispered. “She didn’t really hurt me. I’m just a little sore. I promise.” But the haunted look in her beautiful eyes told me this was a lie.
Kaylee came out of the kitchen and handed Everleigh a glass of whiskey. “Dinner will be ready soon, babe.” She kissed Everleigh on the forehead before walking away, and I felt a pang of envy pierce my chest. I wanted to be the one holding her, kissing her, comforting her. I could have prevented all of this and I knew deep in my gut that I was the one truly responsible for putting that look in Everleigh’s eyes. If I’d acted faster, none of this would have happened.
I was going to do whatever it took to fix it.
“This wasn’t your fault, Theo,” Everleigh said, as if she could read my mind. “It’s mine. I shouldn’t have gone alone.”
“It’s mine for not sharing everything with West right away. It’s mine for not acting sooner when I saw the texts and taking them more seriously. This could have been prevented.”