Page 67 of Such A Bad Girl
“Is that coffee I smell?” Kaylee asked. “Let’s make breakfast before you leave.”
“Sure is,” I said, still glaring at Theo. All of a sudden, he wouldn’t meet my gaze.
As he walked out of the room, I bit the inside of my cheek. I really did want to be alone to get some sleep. But now that I knew Theo was coming home with me, my plans started to shift to something much more enticing.
Chapter Forty-Three
Maybe I’m a manipulative son of a bitch. But I did do it out of a genuine need to protect her. And I wanted to be alone with her.
I’m a fucking man in love, for fuck’s sake.
Not that I know what to do with that fact. Except keep her safe no matter what.
I borrowed one of West’s trucks to drive Everleigh home. As soon as she slid in beside me and we were alone, I turned to her and grabbed her hand.
“I have a lot I need to say to you, Ev.”
“Theo,” she whispered, her eyes searching mine. “I do, too.”
“Me first,” I insisted. The words tumbled from my mouth like an avalanche. “This entire thing went sideways, Ev. I shouldn’t have done what I did in the temple without you knowing it was me. I should have been a fucking man and told you exactly how I felt about you from the fucking start.”
“I think I –.”
“No please let me finish,” I interrupted. I was afraid if I didn’t say it all, I’d screw this up, too. “The truth is, I love you, Everleigh. I’ve loved you for a long time. And I was a coward not to come forward sooner. I was afraid of West’s reaction, yes. But more than that, I was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way.”
All the emotions I’d stuffed down came rushing to the surface and I blinked away the tears springing to my eyes. I wanted Everleigh to see that I was a man, one who could stand up for the woman he loved, one who was strong and was able to protect her, no matter what.
I’d failed on all fronts so far, but I was determined to make everything right now.
All of it hinged on her reaction.
“How could you be afraid I wouldn’t feel the same way, Theo?” She asked. “Couldn’t you see the way I reacted to you every time you were near me? Couldn’t you see the way I was drawn to you, despite my best efforts to stay away?”
My heart soared at her words. I squeezed her hands, my eyes searching hers for what I so desperately needed to see.
“I love you, Ev. With all my heart. With all my soul. And no matter what happens with West, that will never change.”
“I love you, too, Theo, I always have,” she said, her whispered words like a much-needed salve on my ragged heart.
I kissed her, the taste of her mouth nourishing me like a man starved.
She pulled away, her eyes bright with tears and happiness. I’d never seen a more beautiful sight. My heart soared with joy. She loved me, too. I was sure at that moment that nothing could knock me off this high.
But I had more to say.
“I have more I need to say. I need to apologize to you, Ev.”
“For what?” She looked like an angel sitting there, the sunlight streaming over her face as she looked over at me.
“I’m sorry it’s gone this far. I’m so sorry for what happened to you. It was all my fault, even if you say it wasn’t. I was so worried about you. I’m so glad you’re safe, and I swear I won’t let anyone else hurt you again.”
She smiled over at me now, the same old shy smile that I remembered from so long ago.
“Thank you,” she whispered. Gingerly, she touched her hair, shaking her head. “I can’t believe all this shit happened at all.”
“Hey,” I whispered, grabbing her hand and squeezing it again. “You’re so beautiful, Ev. Your hair doesn’t matter. In fact, you look fucking hot as hell with short hair. Not that that matters, but it’s true. Nobody can take your beauty away from you. Ever.”