Page 16 of Trusting His Heart
“Whether you are ready to move on or if you are looking to replace your sweet young things with another temporary solution?”
“What do you think?”
“I think you are as scared as I am,” her breath hot against his face, “And we both know there is too much to lose for us to rush into a relationship. I think there is too much between us to go in lightly and walk away unscathed. I think …”
Geoffrey silenced her with his lips, touching hers, ever so lightly, pulling her hips towards him as his tongue explored her until she responded with her own pressure.
Their first kiss played like a dance between two new partners, slowly and softly building until he knew they needed to stop before he embarrassed them both in front of the other guests.
As they broke away, Geoffrey kissed her cheek, saying, “You think too much. I don’t want to think anymore, I want to feel.”
Even though he tried to move apart, Bec didn’t let him go, “What if it doesn’t work? Wouldn’t we be better off as friends? What if you turn up to class next week, and can’t resist the charms of another student? Geoffrey, I’m too old to be the jealous girlfriend.”
“Bec, uni started weeks ago and I haven’t been interested in anyone. Ever since I met you, all I want to do is build my life so if I ever found you again, I would be worthy.”
“Geoffrey, oh, Geoffrey, you know the right things to say to a girl” she cried, this time Bec’s lips found their target and he felt a growing passion as their bodies melded.
“Would it be presumptuous for me to invite you back to my place for coffee?” he asked, wanting her to come with him yet hoping she would decline and give them both time to think.
“Darling, I would love to come and have coffee with you but not tonight. I’m catching the first flight out tomorrow morning with Derek and need to get some sleep.”
“I’d make sure you got a good night’s sleep,” he said, cheekily.
“No, you wouldn’t and if I came back to your place, I wouldn’t want you to,” she lightly kissed his cheek before walking inside and leaving.