Page 6 of Trusting His Heart
“I’m sorry ma’am, the flight is full.” He almost didn’t recognize Bec at the desk. She had changed out of the skirt and jacket, despite himself, he admired how the curves of her body perfectly suited the yoga pants, sweater and comfortable slip on shoes. The long curls were tied back, showing off her slender neck. Stunning. Now, thanks to his own lack of good manners, off limits to him.
“Please, I need you to check again,” he heard the alarm in her voice.
“Excuse me, Bec,” he cut in. “I’m sorry for what happened back there. Let me buy you a drink on board to make it up to you.”
“Ms Garran, I’ve checked again, there are no other seats and all customers have checked in and are boarding.”
“Bec, please. I’m sorry.”
“Fine, thank you for trying,” Bec said and turned towards the boarding queue.
“Bec,” he tried again.
“Don’t” she brushed off his arm. “You don’t have the right to judge me, and you have no idea about me or why I’m leaving.”
They spent the first four hours on the flight from Boston to Dallas in silence. From her window seat, Bec’s gaze didn’t stray from the clouds.
Geoffrey rarely cared what a stranger thought about him. This time his guilt wouldn’t let up. She didn’t deserve the verbal onslaught and from her reaction, some of his words must have cut close to the truth. Prof David was right – Rachel would kick his butt if she was still here – not only for the way he treated himself but for the way he treated others. This woman did not deserve to feel the wrath of his loss and pain. He needed to make things right.
“You know,” he started, “The best thing about long flights next to strangers, is you can find it therapeutic to tell a stranger your life story, lay out all your troubles knowing you will never have to see them again.”
Bec turned her head towards him, the pain in her eyes deeper than his cruel taunts.
“Bec, I’m not expecting us to land in Sydney as best friends. Likely, you will never want to or have to see me again. Treat me as an insensitive, arrogant arsehole you can confess all to and not care what I think. Land in Sydney, this flight never happened and you can move on with your life.”
The calls to fasten seatbelts interrupted before Bec responded. They were landing for a two hour stop over before flying the long haul to Sydney.
“You want to play truth and consequences?” Her tone flat. “Do you really think you are ready for my truths?”
Geoffrey nodded. He recognized the pain in her voice and the void in her eyes.
“Then Geoffrey, I guess I’ll meet you back here.”
He lost sight of her getting off the plane. No matter, the longest part of the trip lay ahead of them and he remained determined to make her smile at least once before never seeing her again.