Page 115 of Insta Bride
If he wasn’t gonna greet me like a normal person, I’d cut straight to the point. “Where is she.”
“Where’s who? My wife is on a girl’s weekend.”
“Did you know about the girls weekend?”
“Not until half an hour ago. Apparently, your wife is upset, and my wife decided to comfort her.”
“She’s packed up all of her stuff.”
“I know. My home gym is now home to an air bed and dozens of boxes and suitcases.”
“What can I do?”
“Well sounds like your career’s on the up and up. Although, do us both a favor and don’t invite me to double-date with your next batch of hook-ups. Olivia might have a problem with playing nice with your women.”
“I didn’t agree to it.”
“Well, what did you agree to?”
“I agreed to Jack shit. I told him to go fuck himself.” It wouldn’t do any good to insist my words had been polite and measured—in direct opposition to my clenched fists and jaw.
“Didn’t really come across that way on the tape.”
“That’s because they edited it. That’s because they decided to include a silence while I was trying not to kill the asshole.” I sighed while Hunter gave me the space to plead my case. The dude was seriously chill and I needed him on my side. If Hunter believed me, he could sway his wife. If Olivia believed in me and my marriage, she could sway Tash and Jess. If everyone believed me, then I might have half a chance with Elena.
“Look, think back, Hunt. You’ve seen me with Elena. You’ve seen us together. Do you think I’m real?”
“Mate, I’m not the guy whose instincts Olivia or Elena are gonna believe. I thought my best friend was in love with Olivia. I was prepared to be his best man and hand the woman I loved over to an asshole because I thought that he would make her happy. I didn’t realize he was cheating on her. I thought he loved her. So, I’m not the best judge of character.”
“What would you do?”
“Told you. I was prepared to watch my best friend marry the love of my life because I thought it would make her happy.”
“And now if he came back crawling on his knees?”
“He wouldn’t get close enough to ask her for the time, let alone for a second chance. I love the hell out of Liv and she knows it.”
“So what do I do?”
“What you can and should do are two different things. Like I said, Olivia knows how much I love her. Can you really say the same for Elena?”
“Are you asking if I love her? Are you really asking me to do the whole feels thing with you?”
“Well, I heard what Elena heard. Sounds like Maddox is ready to step up and be a man. He’s ready to be the husband she deserves, and they have history.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it.”
“Okay, then here’s some truth seeking for you. Were you really ready for marriage or was it an ego twitch for you? This way, you get the money, you get the fame, and you get to screw around. Just let Elena go. Let her be happy.”
“She could be happy with me.” I wished I could be more confident. Could we be happy—without all controversy and external influences? “She is happy with me. When all the other bullshit is out of the way. In years from now, when it’ll just be us, she’ll still be happy with me.”
Hunter either didn’t hear me or figured he didn’t need to, continuing, “I’ve known her for years and Elena’s a good girl. I don’t want to see her spend another three years trying to get over a guy. It almost killed her friends to watch her hide away last time. In any case, I want my gym back.”
“Selfish much?” I joked.
“It’s easy. Sort your shit out.” Hunter’s voice was light, jovial and almost encouraging. “Only go after her if it’s what you really want. Oh, and if you’ve got the balls, I’d suggest telling her how you feel. Happy days mother-fucker.”
I hung up while Hunter was still laughing. He might be the only friend I had outside work and the gym.