Page 26 of Insta Bride
Luckily, Matt decided to dive in and bring her back to air. Kye’s attention didn’t waver, and he’d made it his personal mission to make me feel adored.
Not only did he help me out of the pool, but he also had a towel waiting and was quick to wrap it around, turning me into a burrito. When I started to shiver from nerves, he rubbed my shoulders to make sure I didn’t get cold.
Instead of grabbing the next towel for himself, Kye made sure I stood in the small triangle of sun, carefully towelling my dripping hair. I couldn’t remember the last time any male had been so, well, intimate in public. He made me feel like we’d been together for years, not hours.
Memories of our first kiss washed over me, and I wanted to believe this could be real.
“So, this is what it’s like,” he said.
“Hairdressing?” I laughed, ready to come up with a witty quip.
“No, being a boyfriend.” He dropped the second towel and went back to rubbing my body. Semi-sensual. He followed my curves but avoided my breasts. However, my ass must have needed a lot of warming up. His touch had me thinking how Kye would be if we were together, intimately.
“This is you being a boyfriend?”
“I get to wrap a towel around you. I get to play with your hair. What else does a boyfriend get to do?”
“Oh, um—” I had to think. “He definitely gets to paint my fingernails and give me back rubs at the end of each day and—”
Seb had helped Sami out of the pool, and they grabbed the towels from the sunchair next to where we were standing. Their usual disdain for Kye had been replaced by genuine smiles and amusement.
“Definitely on the back rubs, definitely on the painting the toenails, but I’d also suggest that he can bring you breakfast in bed every day,” Sami suggested. “Sorry, Kye. But you might as well start at the top.”
“Oh,” I laughed as Kye’s towel rub turned into a full body cuddle. “That sounds perfect. Coffee before my toes hit the floor—I could definitely fall in love with a man—or woman—who did that.”
“Hey, I’m new at this whole boyfriend thing,” Kye laughed before whispering to me, “I don’t mind if a woman brings us coffee in bed, but I’m going to have my hands full enough with you.”
He wasn’t joking.
His grey eyes were clear and direct. Holding my gaze until I wanted a redo on that kiss. Instead, we stood while others lost interest and went back to their gossip. Kye and I might as well have been alone in the world, and the only thing that could make this day complete, would be another kiss.
He squeezed me tighter, before suggesting, “How about we go and inspect that villa?”
“I thought we had to do the interview first?”
“I want to make sure our bags have been moved. I wouldn’t want to give them an interview without making sure we get our reward.”
Hand in hand, we left the pool area and made our way down to the clearing before following the path towards the villas.
“You okay about this?” he asked.
I didn’t know whether our microphones were working or not. We’d been told there were a few blindspots and warned not to use them for private conversations. Even if this was for show, I wanted to believe he cared enough to ask.
I spoke slowly, assuming I’d be edited out. “Uha.”
“Elena. Be honest. You never wanted this. I know that.”
“I want to share the villa with you,” I said slowly.
“The bed?”
“It would be nice to wake up next to someone.” Rather than get deep and meaningful, I let my tease hang in the air.
He didn’t disappoint, instantly recoiling and pulling us to a stop. Grey eyes piercing mine to see if I was serious, he cupped my face. Damn him, those kissable lips were close enough to lick. “Someone? You just want to wake up next to, someone?”
“You’re a very sexy, someone,” I teased, dancing my fingers down his chest.
“How about we buy you a puppy? How about we put out a roster so you can always wake up next to, someone.”