Page 40 of Insta Bride
I laughed, “Yes. That would be a way to describe her, feisty. Why did you come on the island?”
“Oh, I guess I thought I’d be here as the resident bad boy, but Kye claimed that crown.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I’ve gotten sick of doing the one-night stands. I needed a circuit breaker because the only women I attract are the ones who think that two nights is one night too long.”
“Really? You can’t find a girlfriend?”
Now, Matt laughed. “I figured putting my life in the hands of experts couldn’t do worse.”
“Is Campbell the right woman for you?”
“Aren’t we supposed to be talking about whether we’ve got a connection? What do you see in Kye?”
“What’s not to like?” I hated admitting to being superficial, “You’ve seen what he looks like.”
“Yeah, but you don’t strike me as the type to base a life changing decision on the cut of a guy’s abs.”
“What do you think Campbell is talking about with Kye?”
“She’d probably swap me in a heartbeat.”
“Hell. She made her feelings clear at the mixer, following him around like a bitch in heat. But, he gave her a wide berth then. He’s probably giving her a wide berth now.”
“I hope she realizes the amazing guy in her bed.” My smile was genuine. Matt deserved better than Campbell, but she’d probably say the same about Kye.
“You’re actually really easy to talk to, Elena. I can see why Kye is smitten.”
“Oh, I don’t think he’s—”
“I said smitten. The boy didn’t even know he had it in him, before you.”
Before I could ask Matt what he meant, our time was up, Clint arrived and accepted my offer of beer.
Clint had arrived on the island with muscles, dark tan, and an ability to drink any of the other men under the table. His lazy drawl and inability to have a firm opinion about anything was too laidback for me. He seemed confident that Darnelia and he wouldn’t make it five seconds away from the island, but they were happy to enjoy each other until they left.
Dawson oozed sex appeal and never lost the look of post-fuck glow. He sat down, opened my bottle of water, and turned on the charm. Under this gaze, I became the centre of his universe.
“Where were you when I needed a rebound?” I giggled, needing to break his spell.
“I’m only a phone call away when you dump Kye’s ass.”
“What about Randi?”
“Randi can either watch or join in. She’s not the jealous type.”
Yes, the former footballer could be exactly what I needed, but there would always be that sex tape hanging over our heads and I didn’t want my friends to be able to judge for themselves my partner’s skill level.
Then there was Seb. I spent our half hour lying back and talking naturally. When we were together, if felt as if the experts had gotten it wrong and we were already an old, married couple. None of the electricity or chemistry of Kye, but the comfortable togetherness of old friends.
Harris and Benjamin were more stunted. I spent our time together batting away their respective criticisms of Kye.
We were summoned back to the marshalling area and JP handed out our cards and pens, I didn’t know whether to correct the record or stay with Kye.
For me, there were two options. My body screamed for more Kye. My head wanted me to throw the cat amongst the pigeons and shake things up a bit. I didn’t owe Sami anything, and Seb had been clear their relationship had an expiration date the minute they left the experience. Yes, he wanted a family and children, but he didn’t necessarily want or need a readymade family.He also hadn’t come clean to Sami that he wasn’t the sugar daddy material she was looking for.