Page 79 of Insta Bride
Elena tried to pull her hand away, but I resisted. Not knowing how to explain it, but I had to try.
Thumbing her palm until she giggled, I said, “We have fun, right?”
“I guess, ohhh.”
“You like that?” I traced circles around her inner wrist until I thought the waitress would ask us to leave. “Admit it, you like me. You even like the fact that I drive you mad. You like that I don’t let you take yourself seriously.”
“Ohhh, keep going like that and I’m going to admit to anything you want.”
I stopped, needing her hear me. Really hear me. “Think about all the things we like doing together.”
“Other than in bed?”
“Yeah, other than in bed.” Replacing my thumb with kisses, I flirted, “Although let’s not diminish what we do in bed. Can you honestly tell me that there’s anyone who’s been better in bed?”
Elena leaned back and blushed, giggling as the waitress set down our first dishes. The waitress in low cut white blouse and short black skirt let her eyes take in my body, landing on my crotch. Even five months ago, I’d have slipped her a note and fucked her either in the back alley or the bathroom—before taking my date home and given her the royal treatment.
Not now.
Not anymore.
The previous me had fun, but the new me has something better—a wife.
I had Elena. Wearing a demure off-white satin blouse, buttoned low in the front and matched with a pencil thin grey skirt, I wanted nothing more than to bend her over this table and show the world how much I fucking loved her. Oh, she could leave the shiny red heels on.
“Elena?” I urged her to look at me and not focus on the bullshit we couldn’t control. “Tell me, is there anything I do to you that you don’t like.”
“No.” Yes, she spoke to me, but her eyes went to the waitress. They engaged in a staring contest, lost when the waitress offered a slight shrug before turning away.
“Is there anything that you want me to do that I haven’t?”
Elena did that sexy thing that drove me wild, licking her bottom lip before drawing it between her teeth. “Well—”
Oh, this would be good. With head in hands, my elbows either side of my ignored dish, I drank in her eyes. “Tell me more.”
“I do have a kink in the back of my neck.” She shrugged as if announcing she had lipgloss in her bag. “I think its gonna take more than just a five-minute massage.”
“You want me to give you a back rub?”
“Did you just offer to give me a back rub?”
“Well—” I reclaimed her hand, driving my thumb into her palm until she moaned. “What am I getting in return?”
“I could—give you a foot massage.”
“I could, if I was so inclined.”
“Minute for minute?”
“I don’t like to put time limits on these things. Quality over quantity, you know.”
I loved my wife.
We could fight, flirt and then fuck.
The photos were forgotten as the rest of dinner became our foreplay.