Page 9 of Stone Temptation
He laughed, shaking his head. “More what?”
“You watch too many action movies.”
Probably true. “Everything’s so?—”
“Let me stop you there. Stop thinking about greener grass or however you say it. Be careful what you wish for because the bullshit might come with the worst stink ever.”
“Is that a new saying?”
“A Dane exclusive.”
“Back at you.”
I rolled my shoulders. He made a good point, but it didn’t change the constant itching for more excitement.
“When was the last time you got laid?” he asked. “Was it that Jordan bloke?”
Jordan. A human one-night stand, amazing at eating ass. I’m talking full-on gorge fest of my booty like it was cake.
I should give him a call.
“Six months,” I answered.
“Organize fucking your brains out. You’re a good-looking gargoyle. Spread it about more.”
“Yeah. Maybe.” I tried Carissa again.
“Voicemail again.”
He changed channels. We settled down for a classic game of England vs. Wales, putting our feet up, seeing as it was supposed to be our night off.
Carissa called back halfway through. I asked for a meeting, she told me to come to her office in five minutes.
I got there in two.
Home at last.
I collapsed onto my bed, my mood a sour cherry.
Damn. Another failure, almost eaten by a psycho, another rusty charm for the bracelet of crappiness. I hated it when hope splattered against a wall like this. So close to change only for everything to get lost in a brutal twist. Again.
More fool me for falling for a steaming pile of crap.
“I’m sorry, Finn,” I said, rolling onto my back.