Page 86 of Savage Warrior
‘Right. Go ahead.”
She produces a phone from within her clothing and punches in a number. It’s answered quickly. She barks out her request that a ‘special customer’ be granted preferential access to the upcoming auction. A brief conversation follows in which she assures the Vulture that I am a wealthy Englishman who will pay well for the right girl.
“He wishes to know your name,” she says to me.
I glance at my boss. “Ethan Savage,” I reply. It’s likely Fedor has heard of him, and that will lend credibility to our story. It also breaks our cover, but we intend to be out of this country before that has a chance to matter.
It works. Zora smiles at me. “Fedor sends his regards. You are just in time. The auction takes place tomorrow, and you will be allowed to bid. Your passcode to enter the venue is Mozart.”
I raise an eyebrow.
She shrugs. “Fedor is a fan of classical music.”
What else?
“Where is it being held, this auction?”
She rattles off the address of a warehouse on the outskirts of the city. I may be able to speak enough Russian to get by, but I don’t read or write it. Luckily, Grigor is on hand to jot it down.
I hold out my hand. “Your phone.”
“No. You have what you came for. Now, go.”
The idiot woman still thinks she’s in a position to issue orders. She’ll soon realise her error.
“I’m afraid it isn’t that simple. Hand it over.”
She makes to stuff the device back where it came from, but Ethan forestalls that, grabbing her wrist and wresting it from her hand. He pockets the phone, no doubt to pass on to Casey in due course in order to extract data.
Zora’s vitriolic protests get her nowhere. She subsides into silence, glowering at us. “Why are you still here? You need to leave, go to Minsk for the sale.”
“All in good time. First, I want to know about Natalija Kovalyova.”
“I know no one of that name.”
“Think back. She is the child who was abducted from her home a week ago, by your slimy friend out there. She is fourteen years old.”
Zora gives a dismissive snort. “That is too young to work here.”
“I know, but that didn’t stop the Sokolovs taking her. You’ll remember Natalija’s sister. Arina Kovalyova. She did work here, briefly.”
Zora scowls. “Useless girl. Arina left here to work in Minsk. I have no idea where she is now.”
“Oh, she left here all right, but not to work in Minsk. She was trafficked abroad, as you well know.”
“How am I supposed to keep track of every slut who passes through?”
I lean in. “Be careful, Zora. I am considering letting you live, since you have been cooperative so far. I may change my mind.” I let that sink in. “We know Natalija was here. Is she to be sold in Minsk tomorrow?”
“Is that the one you want to buy?” Her features twist in a sneer. “You are one of those who like them young?”
“Is she for sale tomorrow?” I grind out, swallowing my revulsion.
Zora shrugs. “I expect so, but the price will be high. I do not understand the fixation you men have with child virgins, but who am I to judge?”
My fist clenches of its own accord. Ethan’s hand on my shoulder is all that prevents me from knocking the heartless piece of shit senseless.
“Let Fedor Morozov do the dirty work,” he murmurs. “It will be obvious who betrayed him. Let him deal with her.”