Page 88 of Savage Warrior
Mr Bival offers me smile. “It is good to meet you, Ms Kovalyov. I trust you are recovering from your injuries.”
“You know about that?” Is he somehow involved with the Russians? I wouldn’t have thought so, given the friendly welcome extended to him here.
“I do. Ethan has explained everything. He had no choice, since he required my assistance.”
“I see.” Not true. I do not see at all, but it seems the right thing to say.
“May I suggest we speak in English, Ms Kovalyova?” He tilts his chin towards Yuryl.
“Of course.” I appreciate his consideration. Yuryl speaks only Russian. “And please, call me Arina.”
“Of course. I am Marius. Cristina is my sister, as you perhaps know. And Ethan is my close associate and good friend. So, when he contacted me regarding a… a project he had in mind, I was happy to help.”
“Help him to do what?” I ask, still bemused.
“To locate your brother and sister in Belarus and find a way to bring them out of that country.”
My jaw drops. “Ethan has gone to Belarus?”
“Indeed he has.”
“To find my family?”
“That is true. And he has met with some success, as you can see.” Another nod towards Yuryl. “He was keen that you be reunited as soon as possible, so he entrusted the child to me, to bring here.”
“I… I cannot thank you enough, sir.”
“Marius, please. And I assure you, you can, and you have.”
“Was Yuryl still at our flat?” Maybe the landlord found it in himself to overlook the late rent.
“Sadly, no. He had been… appropriated by a woman in the neighbourhood. Her intentions were somewhat suspect. I gather there is a market for displaced orphans in your country, and she hoped to profit from that.”
I gape at him. “No! What woman?”
“Her name is Mrs Barazna, I understand.”
“I do not know her. Why would she…?”
“Alas, there are greedy, evil people in this world, Arina. Which brings me to your sister.”
I had not dared to ask, but now I must. “What has happened to Natalija? Why is she not here also?”
“It is my understanding that the Sokolovs have her. I am sorry to be the bearer of such grim news.”
I drag in a ragged breath. This is exactly what ?tefan feared would happen. He warned me, and I was too late. “I should have gone home sooner. I knew—”
“You could not have done anything to prevent it,” Marius assures me.
I shake my head. He’s being kind, but they were my responsibility. I could have made sure they were safe. I should have done that, and now see what has happened. My brother in the hands of baby-snatchers. My sister facing God only knows what horrors. I grab at Marius’s arm. Maybe, even now, I could help her.
“I need to go back. Will you help me? Your helicopter…?”
“No, Arina. That would not be advisable. And there is no need.”
No need? What does that mean? My heart sinks. “Do you…? Do you think she is already dead?”
He hesitates but then shakes his head. “We have no reason to suppose she is. More likely she is alive, since she is a valuable commodity. It is our understanding that she is to be sold.”