Page 71 of Savage Reckoning
“For fuck’s sake.” I grab a handful of tissues and start mopping up. “What the hell are you doing, Freddie?”
The boy is panting in my doorway, a laptop tucked under his arm. “I need to speak to Mr Morgan.”
“Now’s not a good time. He’s busy.”
“This won’t wait. They said he was here.”
“He is. He’s talking to Mr Savage, and he won’t want to be disturbed right now. Best if you wait a while. He won’t be that much longer.”
“Can’t wait.” He sets off along the corridor. “Which room is it? This one?”
I charge after him. “You can’t just burst in there. Freddie, wait!”
I’m too late. By the time I arrive, Freddie is at the foot of Ethan’s bed, being glared at by two ferocious Mafia bosses. Talk about blowing your chances…
Everyone speaks at once.
“I’m sorry. I tried to stop him…”
“What the…?” Jack looks ready to shoot Freddie between the eyes right here and now.
“Who the fuck is this?” Ethan demands to know.
“There’s a contract,” is Freddie’s garbled contribution.
“I’m sorry,” I begin again. “This is Freddie. He’s… new.”
“He’s fucking suicidal,” Ethan growls.
“I’ll take care of this, boss.” Jack gets to his feet and bellows at Freddie. “You, get the fuck out of here. Wait for me in my office.”
For a moment, I have the distinct impression Freddie is going to do as he’s told. He quakes, half turns. Then he changes his mind. “No, sir. I need to tell you now. About the contract.”
Jack closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in through his nose. “Do not make me repeat myself, you little shite.”
“I’m sorry, but you have to listen.”
Jack takes a menacing step forward, and I make a grab for Freddie’s elbow, intending to drag him out of there by force if I have to.
It’s Ethan who cuts through the tension and chaos. “Wait. If it’s so urgent, let the lad speak. What’s this about a contract?”
Freddie swallows hard. “I was in that lady’s room…”
“Lady?” Ethan appears baffled. He’s not the only one.
“The lady with the computers.”
“He means Casey,” I offer.
Freddie nods. “Yes. Her. I was in there, messing about, and I logged on to my MIDAS account.”
“Your what?” Ethan asks.
“It’s a network, on the dark web,” Jack puts in by way explanation. “Who gave you permission to use Mrs O’Neill’s equipment?”
“No one. I just thought… Anyway, never mind that. I was on there, checking for projects I could do, to pass the time, like, and I saw this.”
He dumps the laptop from under his arm onto the bed, turns it so Ethan can view the screen.