Page 75 of Savage Reckoning
Freddie trots off after her, leaving just the men in the war room.
“What do we have by way of weaponry and ammunition?” Ethan demands.
Jack is all over that. “We’re well supplied on both sites. I have men checking now, but I’m confident we’ve no need to worry on that score.”
“And there’s the additional consignment we liberated from Archer’s scrapyard the other day,” Tony reminds us. “The missile launcher and two dozen crates of Russian guns.”
Ethan’s ears prick up. “Where are they now?”
“I want the missile launcher here. How soon can you organise that?”
“Is there a chopper free?”
“There can be.”
“A couple of hours, then.”
Ethan nods. “If they attack us here, it’ll have to be by sea or air. A missile launcher will come in useful. The first priority is for everyone to assist in the evacuation, then, once the families are safely away, assume battle positions and stay on alert. I’ll keep you briefed as we learn more. You all know your jobs. Go and do them.”
Most of the men disperse to assume their duties, leaving only the most senior lieutenants gathered around the table. My status here is, shall we say, undetermined. I opt to remain. Ethan’s steady gaze takes us all in.
“You’ve done well. All of you. You have my thanks.”
“Just keeping your seat warm, boss.” Jack’s features split in a rare and genuine smile. “I guess I can move over now.”
“I won’t forget what you’ve done for me, Jack. And for my organisation. My family owe you. Cristina told me how you stepped up and pulled everyone together straight after the crash. You, too, Aaron, despite being injured yourself. His gaze rests briefly on Rome, still on crutches. And the rest of you. I truly appreciate it.”
There are mutterings of “You’re welcome”, and “Anytime”. Suddenly, that dark gimlet gaze is levelled on me.
“I said introductions could wait, but my original question stands. What the fuck are you doing here?”
I come straight to the point. “I work for the US Government. Loosely. Uncle Sam has a keen interest in preventing Olaf Sokolov from getting any sort of toe hold on US soil, which is why I was operating undercover in Minsk picking off his key generals. I came to the UK on a mopping-up exercise to eliminate what remained of the trafficking enterprise he had established here. I realised the Savages and I had a mutual interest in that particular matter and your guys had the inside track. So, I offered to join forces. It helped get my job done, and I figured you could do with the extra manpower, seeing as half your top brass were out of action.”
“We don’t take on new people who we don’t know. Or we didn’t.” He eyes Jack suspiciously.
His underboss nods. “I wasn’t keen, to be fair. But Megan knew him, and like he says, the extra manpower came in handy He’s done okay, boss. Led one of the teams when we went after the traffickers, and he helped stop an assassination attempt on Aaron. He was part of the team that took out Archer and his operation, so I reckon we can trust him.”
Ethan takes all this in and nods thoughtfully. “You say Megan knows him? Ah, right. The US military…” Suddenly, the penny drops. “Holy shit! Is this the guy…?”
Megan blushes a bright shade of crimson, which is answer enough.
“Fuck,” Ethan breathes. “I bet that was some reunion.”
“We’re… working things through,” she mutters.
I opt to remain silent, coward that I am.
Mercifully, Ethan moves on to quiz his team regarding the other newcomer. “What’s the story on young Freddie?”
Jack explains the youth’s part in the unfolding situation, ending with, “I’m thinking he might have promise. As a new recruit. With some training…”
“Some training?
“Well, a lot of training. He’s bright. We can use brains as well as brawn.”
“I know that, but from what you say, he used his brains to sell our secrets to our enemies. Our chopper was shot down as a direct result. We could have all been killed. Why is he still breathing?”