Page 82 of Savage Reckoning
Am I? Was I?
“You were always the one who turned heads,” I blurt. “Half the women on the base were panting after you.”
“I’m not interested in half the women anywhere. I only want you. It was only ever you.” He pushes himself forward, takes the two paces needed to reach me. He lays his hands on my shoulders and grazes my lips with his. “Beautiful panties, but I need you naked. Now. And facedown on the bed.”
I do as I’m told, then twist my neck to peer up at him.
“Reach forward and grasp the headboard. Don’t let go of it.”
“What? Why?”
“And close your eyes. Or I could blindfold you.”
“But we never…”
“Do you trust me, Megan?”
“Of course. Yes. Yes, I do.”
That eyebrow lifts again. “Well, then?”
I stretch out my arms and grab hold of the lowest bar on the headboard. Closing my eyes is more of an effort, but I do it. “What are you going to do?” I whisper.
“I like watching you come, so you’re going to perform for me.”
I can’t think of a ready objection to the plan, but that doesn’t translate into confidence that it’s going to work out. “I’m not sure I can… I mean, on demand?”
“Yes, on demand. I’ve never spanked you before, but I will be minded to if you carry on arguing with me.”
“Sp-spank me?” I squeak. Despite the shock at hearing those words, my pussy convulses, and something twists in my core.
He leans over to murmur in my ear, “Yes. Spank you. Would you like to try that?”
“I…I don’t know. I’ve never…”
“Another time then. Soon. Right now, I need you to be a good girl and spread your legs.”
Oh. My. God. Whatever happened to the sultry temptress I was channelling just a few minutes ago? She seems to have left the building, and now it’s just me, uncertain, nervous, and aroused as all hell. Was Gabe always this… this bossy? And why does it turn me on so?
I feel a compulsion to obey so I edge my knees apart a few inches.
“You can do better than that. Knees as wide as you can, ass in the air. Show me that pretty pussy of yours.”
I gulp but do as I’m told. I shiver when the cool Hebridean air wafts over my exposed slit.
“Such a sloppy girl. You’re wet. Soaking. Enjoying yourself already, Megan?”
Am I supposed to answer? My brain is short-circuiting. I can’t think of anything to say. So I settle for a long, low moan when he slides the flat of his palm from my clit to my ass.
He takes his hand away, and I imagine him examining it for evidence of my shameless arousal. I don’t doubt it will be there.
Exhibit A, M’lud. Dripping wet. Guilty.
“I think you’re nice and ready, so we can start the evening’s entertainment. I need you to keep still.”
“I… Oh!”
He parts the lips of my pussy, spreading my entrance wide. I expect to feel the head of his cock, but that’s not it. The object he inserts is smaller, hard, cool to the touch. He slides it right inside me, then pats me on my buttock.