Page 55 of Savage Obsession
Julia is immediately on the defensive. “Horses are expensive. And they need a lot of space.”
Lily isn’t giving an inch. “I know that, but she wouldn’t even think about it.”
“She’s right, though.” I could add that I happen to have a lot of space, and personally own two horses as well as the couple of dozen or so stabled at my ranch. I can save that little snippet for later. “What else do you like doing?”
The rest of the journey is spent chatting about the relative merits of Justin Bieber versus Romeo Beckham before moving on to compare Ariana Grande with Miley Cyrus. I do recall seeing the latter in a seriously suggestive video featuring a wrecking ball but choose not to mention that.
We refuel just north of London, an opportunity for Julia to corner me while Lily uses the loo.
“What are you doing? We talked about this. She can’t live with you. It’s… it’s …”
“Why not? It’s what she wants.” Apparently.
“She doesn’t know what she wants. She’s a child.”
That logic seems flawed to me, but I’m not blind and deaf to the potential problems, the greatest of which, in my view, is the fact that me and my daughter are virtual strangers. Whatever else happens, I intend to put that right.
There’s the further complication of my current state of, shall we say uncertain employment. The last I heard I was no longer welcome on Tenerife, so the prospect of turning up on the island, one daughter in tow, is not exactly straightforward. So far, Julia hasn’t seen fit to hurl that at me, but it won’t be long.
I’m spared the need to make things worse with an ill-chosen reply as Lily comes trotting back from the toilet, a bright grin on her face.
“I need some money. There’s a stall selling these really cool over-the-knee socks. And there’s a Starbucks…”
I sigh and resign myself to being bled dry. If only everything to do with raising preteens could be settled with a twenty-pound note.
Both Lily and Julia are dozing when we approach Caraksay. I lean over to give each of them a nudge. “We’re almost there.”
Lily is at once bolt upright, scanning the seascape below. “Is that it? That place with the castle?”
Her mouth turns down in a scowl. “It’s a dump. It’s in ruins. Are those houses nearby?”
“Yes. Cottages and converted barns. The castle isn’t in ruins. People live in it. You’ll see when you get there.”
“Hrmph.” She settles back in her seat. “Who’d want to live in a fusty, dirty castle?”
Only one of the wealthiest and most powerful crime lords in the world. “Look, Henry’s waiting for you…”
The welcoming committee this time consists of Cristina Savage and a jubilant Henry, who leaps into Lily’s arms as soon as she comes within range. Wriggling, yapping, he issues his own sloppy, exuberant greeting before sending a disdainful sniff my way. Clearly, he didn’t appreciate being abandoned.
“Welcome to Caraksay. We’re all so relieved to see you here, safe and sound.” Cristina greets us in Polish once the dog lets anyone else get a word in, extending her hand to Lily. “And you must be Lily?”
Lily accepts the handshake with a graceless, “Yeah.”
“I’m Cristina. I live here with my family. I understand you’re to be our guest for a short while.”
Lily shrugs, crouching to hug Henry. “I suppose…”
Cristina also drops to her haunches. “Are you hungry? We have cakes in the kitchen.”
More shrugging from Lily.
“Or, you might like to explore first. My own son is about the same age as you, and his favourite place is the pool, followed by the beach.”
Lily shows interest at last. “You have a pool?”
“We do. Shall I show you?”