Page 13 of Six Wishes
So bad
The music is blaring in my ears, the screeching of a guitar solo motivating me to finish the last set of weights that I was kind of dreading.
It’s been two hours of a solid workout during which time, my eyes kept on going to the group of girls doing their thing to the side. They were all at different levels of hotness that would’ve done it for me at some point in my life. Like before my brain decided that every time my eyes came across Chloe Montgomery, they had to send a signal to my cock to inform it that hers is the only pussy it wants to go into for the foreseeable future. Kind of fucked up if you ask me.
The girls have been taking turns on the treadmills and ellipticals, then moved to weights, and even had a pushup contest at some point. Color me impressed. One of them, Brooke I think they called her, she seems to be extra motivated when doing it all. I heard her mumbling things about some baby weight. And if it’s her own weight she’s talking about, she’s crazy.
But back to Chloe. She definitely stands out from her group in my eyes, and not only because her body is insanely toned. I mean, her abs are a work of art while still managing to make her look feminine.
There’s a break in my song, just enough to hear Hunter asking, “Where’s Brian?”, and I hurry up to pause my music so that I can eavesdrop some more.
“He texted a little bit ago,” Chloe tells her. “Said they got called on an emergency. But they hope to be here before the practice game starts if nothing else happens. He and Lucas were supposed to have the day off today.”
Brian is the dude Chloe was with last night, I am sure of it, and now I am mildly disturbed that they’re texting. Although, since they do play on the same volleyball team, it does make sense. But I don’t like it. And, long story short, now I understand how Wyatt feels when I text his woman all the time.
And in other news, I guess now I am thinking of Chloe as being my woman.
“Okay,” Hunter finally drops to the ground, sweat running off her body. “I am done.” Even though she is shorter than Chloe, she is still taller than average, and her body looks toned and compact. Not as toned as Chloe’s, but I may be a little biased there.
Brooke is the shortest of the group, but still tall. I guess they have to be if they want to jump around for the volleyball like that. All volleyball players seem to have a certain look, and these girls here check all the boxes.
“When are you going back to New York?” someone asks Hunter, and I don’t catch what she says back when I get distracted by my phone ringing into my ears through the earbuds, making me jump a little.
I grin when I look at the screen and see that it’s none other than Zach Cavanaugh. He and I have been friends for a long time now. I’d even go as far as to say that he’s my best friend, especially since my life fell into chaos after I hurt my knee.
“Z,” my voice echoes around the room, and it’s like everyone turns to stare at me. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“I’m back from my trip,” his deep voice comes over the line. “I was going to come that way to see my sister, and I was gonna hit you up too. Wanted to make sure you’re around.”
His sister and her family live in a house on the same lake my house is on. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting them just yet, but I probably should now since it looks like we may be long time neighbors.
“For sure, brother,” I grab my towel and wipe the sweat off my forehead, then neck. “When?”
“I’m having dinner with them tonight. She said Emmy’s excited to see me, so I’ll be there late.” Emmy is his niece, who is only four or five, but she loves her Uncle Zach, and he loves her back. “Maybe I’ll crash at your place after.”
“I’ll be there, shoot a text when you’re on your way over.” With that, we hang up and lean back on the weight bench to catch my breath some more.
The girls starting to giggle makes me lift my head to see what they’re up to, and I grin when I catch them checking me out.
“Ladies,” I sit up and wink at the three of them, then stand up and walk in their direction. They all watch me with so much interest, but I only care about how much interest for me one of them has.
“Hey, Van,” Brooke’s face breaks into a huge grin, teeth on display. And let me tell you, the girl’s got quite the smile on her. I think she’s got extra teeth in there, and they’re all white and bright.
“If I had a penny,” I hook my towel around my shoulders and rock on my feet as I stop in front of them, “for every time I saw someone as beautiful as the three of you,” I make sure to make eye contact and check out all three of them, “I’d have three pennies.”
They seemed to be stunned for a second until Brooke starts to giggle, and she’s so into it that she can’t stop. Hunter elbows her hard in the ribs, but that only gets her going more.
“Oh God,” Chloe rolls her eyes, but she wants to laugh as well. “That was just such a terrible line, Van,” she shakes her head at me. “Just terrible!”
“I got more,” I wink at her. “And I’d love to tell them all to you when I take you out tonight.”
“When you… What?”
“He says he’s taking you out tonight,” her cousin decides to help and clarify my intentions to Chloe.