Page 15 of Six Wishes
Play time
Okay, so running and jumping in the sand is seriously not as easy as it looks on TV. Also, and this is very important, I have never in my life played volleyball at a competitive level. These girls are kicking ass. Better yet, they’re kicking my ass. I’m glad to be on their team.
“Break time,” I call after ninety minutes of serving the ball to the net, then them jumping around to spike or block it. I have to say that it’ll be very interesting when it is my turn to rotate to the net. I may not need to jump very high.
We all head to the large table and umbrella that’s been set up to keep the coolers out of the sun. When I look toward the bleachers, I notice that we have quite the audience. I didn’t expect this to be so popular.
“Wow, lots of people today,” Brooke comments like she can read my mind. “Oh, there’s Ridge. And he’s got Levi with him!” She takes off in a run to where her husband is standing to the side with a small load strapped to his chest.
I decide to stretch my leg a little more before the game. I should’ve thought of it to begin with, but the uneven ground of the beach is not easy on my knee. I have a brace on it, but I usually don’t feel much. I mean, I have been training like I’m conditioning to be back with the big boys. But I know in my heart that something is not right with it. It’s just not like it used to.
“We love you, Van,” I hear from the bleachers and turn surprised eyes that way. I see a few very scantily clad girls jumping up and down, their breasts definitely bought judging from the way they bounce, or not.
I put an arm out and wave, and they go crazy.
“Your puck bunnies?” Chloe walks up to me and gives me a teasing smirk.
“What do you know about puck bunnies?” I tease her right back, pulling on a strand of hair that’s come out of her ponytail.
“I know that you asked Alison if I was a puck bunny,” she puts a hand to her chest and starts laughing. I’m happy to see that she didn’t take it personally.
I move my eyes up and down her insane body, happy that I got my mirrored sunglasses on and she can’t see my ogling her. She’s changed into different booty shorts and sports bra with the team logo, and I swear to Christ, it all looks even smaller than before. Her perfect ass cheeks are peeking at the bottom, and her top pushes her handful of tits up in such a way, I just want to touch them all the time.
“I would love for you to be my puck bunny,” I whisper and reach out to touch her waist. “Just my own personal bunny.”
“Yeah?” she smiles and I love how white her teeth look against the tan on her face. Her hair looks even blonder when we’re out in the natural elements, and even the sunglasses she’s got strapped to her head are sexy.
“Go home with me tonight,” I bring my head so close to hers, our lips almost brush against each other when I speak.
“I’d love to,” she grins again, and I can’t help it. I lean into her and steal a quick kiss. I hope that since my back is to the bleachers, and she is right in front of me, no one was able to catch that.
“Play time,” Hunter and Brooke come running our way, and I notice the opposing team getting set up on their side. All the girls seem to be wearing the same type of sporty outfit they play in, some more conservative than others. I look back at our girls.
It’s already been established that Chloe is hot as hell in hers, then there’s her friend Eden, who I met earlier, she’s got a similar top and bottoms, and she’s pretty, but my eyeballs keep on going back to Chloe. Hunter’s is identical to hers, and she’s a little spitfire as she hops warming up some more. Brooke’s top is the most conservative one, looking more like a cropped tank top.
“Okay, ladies,” Chloe starts pumping everyone up, “and gent,” she grins at me and I blow her a kiss. “Let’s do this!”
I am the first one up to serve, and I do a pretty damn good job of it, if I say so myself. The game goes on smoothly, and even though we are missing a player, we are kicking ass. At the end of the fourth set, it’s a tie, and Brooke is up to serve in the fifth set. We go back and forth, and it really comes down to the very last serve. This is it. The score is tied, and we need this point for the game to be over. Brooke prepares to serve.
“Go, Brooke!” I hear her husband hollering from the stands along with a small group of people who are most likely family and friends. They got a strong presence though.
Brooke adjusts her sunglasses on her face, takes a deep breath and gets in the position. She stretches the arm with the ball and finally jumps. She hits the ball so hard, it is taking everything for a player from the opposing team to block it and throw it back over the net.
My time to shine is finally here. I save the ball and set it for Chloe who is chomping at the bit to spike it. Her moves are flawless when she watches the ball hitting my hands, flying into the air. Her abdominal muscles show perfect definition when she pushes herself off the ground, and in almost slow like motion, she brings her left arm up and hits the ball so hard, right in their weak spot.
It takes me a second to realize that the ball did make contact with the sand. We scored. We won. Holy shit, that was a rush.
The people who are here to support us start jumping up and down, and my teammates are hugging each other, then head on over to congratulate the visiting team.
“Van!” I turn around just in time to watch Chloe coming at me in a run, like she’s in the Baywatch intro. “We won!” She throws her arms around my neck. On instinct, I put my hands under her ass and lift. She doesn’t disappoint when she wraps her mile long legs around my waist, laughing all the while.
“Congrats, baby,” I touch my lips softly to hers, and she pushes harder against me, refusing to let go.
“I can’t wait for you to take me home,” she finally moves her lips to my ear, and I am done for. I may have to walk around holding her like this for quite a while as I try to get my erection under control.