Page 27 of Six Wishes
“Well then,” I start laughing, “I’m really going to blow your mind with all the things I can do with my left hand.” I give him a wink and he moans. “Not tonight though. I have to go.”
I didn’t bring anything with me other than my phone and car key fob, so I don’t have anything else to grab on my way out. Van walks me to my car that’s sitting in his driveway.
“I’ll call you in the morning,” he pulls me in for another kiss and won’t let go.
We’ve been making out in the driveway of his home for the past five minutes or so, neither one of us willing to finally say goodbye. Every time I think he’ll let me go, he grabs me by the back of my neck and starts kissing me again.
I love the way he holds me to him, the way he runs his thumbs along my jawline. His entire demeanor when we’re intimate seems to be at such odds with his goofy personality otherwise.
“Okay,” I whisper in the romantic atmosphere of the sun setting over the water. I can’t really see the water from where we’re standing, but you can just feel it all around.
His tongue takes another swipe inside my mouth, then starts nibbling at my lips, moving from one corner of my mouth to the other.
“I really don’t want you to go,” he kisses me some more. I don’t really want to go either so I am dragging it out for all it’s worth. “But I got some emails from my agent that I need to go over.” More wet kisses and nibbling at my lips. “And I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
“Okay.” That seems to be the only thing I am capable of saying while he’s doing all this to me. Van is messing with my head, and I am starting to worry about it. It is all happening so fast, and I do wonder where his own head is. “I’ll be up early.”
Tomorrow is my day to volunteer at the animal shelter in town, so I’ll definitely need to be up to get there in time, which is nine in the morning. But I normally go out for a run every morning, so I’ll have to get that done as well. Now I also got Van on the brain, so I need to allocate some time for him too.
“You need to get in this fucking car before I drag you by the hair back in the house, and I won’t let either one of us come up for air until I can’t move any muscles in my body.” Van finally turns me away from him, then puts his hand over my head so I wouldn’t bang it against the roof of the car.
My heart twists a little at how attentive he is being.
With a final hard kiss on my lips, he pushes my car door closed. I start the engine and am ready to go. I wave at him as I roll down his driveway, and I am finally on my way home.
The drive there is not very long, only fifteen minutes or so, and even though I loved being with Van, I am happy to be surrounded by my own stuff. As I look around, I start thinking that Van would lose his mind in here. He seems to be so anal with how he organizes things, he’d go on a cleaning spree in my apartment. It’s not as it’s dirty, but I still haven’t completely unpacked, and I do have some things just thrown around for no reason.
I debate if I should jump in the shower, because I need it, but then decide to call my mom first. I know she’s dying to hear from me given how many times she’s texted in the last couple of hours.
I throw myself on the couch in the living room, and pull up the contacts on my phone. I love talking to my mom, but I also need to always be mentally prepared for it. Since she and my dad got a divorce, I think she feels lonely, but she doesn’t want to make new friends either. She does like to talk my ear off though.
“Hi, mom,” I smile into the phone when she answers even though she can’t see me.
“Chloe Marie Montgomery,” she shrieks at me. “I can’t believe you took this long to call me!”
“Mom, my middle name is not Marie,” I start laughing. In fact, I don’t even have a middle name, as weird as that sounds.
“I know, but it fits. I can’t believe I didn’t think of it when you were born. It’s your father’s fault for that one. Which, by the way, he even called me today to ask what this is all about with you!” She’s going to talk for the rest of the night if I let her.
“I’ll give him a call tomorrow,” I assure her. My parents have been divorced for a few years now, but they are fairly friendly to each other which is a blessing.
“Forget about him,” she cuts me off in annoyance. “You tell me everything right now! I need to know!”