Page 4 of Six Wishes
Ridge is my other cousin, and also Hunter’s brother. He and his wife, Brooke, recently had a bouncy baby boy, and, in spite of the fact that Ridge was very determined that he wanted a little girl while Brooke was pregnant, when Levi was born, he completely fell in love with his son. Now he’s always jumping at every opportunity to help Brooke out so that they can have what he calls boys’ time out.
“I hope she can make it,” I nod in understanding. I love Brooke, she’s always got such a sunny disposition. She is also one heck of a ball player, as we found out when we were missing a player and she volunteered to fill in.
“See you guys in the morning,” Hunter waves and gets in the car, then drives off. She is here only for the summer, then she’s going back to New York. I will miss her, I realize with a pang, even though we’ve only recently reconnected since I moved back home about a year ago.
“So,” Brian gives me a wide smile when we stop next to my car. I chuckle and open the door to the driver’s side, but he stops me from getting in.
My heart starts beating fast in my chest when I realize that his intention is to kiss me. Unable to move, I stand here frozen and wait for his lips to touch mine. I feel his warm breath first, and I close my eyes in anticipation, hoping that this would get the thought of Van Boyd out of my head.
Just as I am thinking that this is it, bright lights shine on us, and I hear screeching tires heading our way from the other side of the parking lot.
Brian puts an arm out protectively and tries to push me behind him. I am unsure of what to do when I notice a fancy sports car stopping right next to us. The passenger side window rolls down really slowly, and my mouth gapes open when I hear a familiar voice.
“Chloe, I forgot to do something earlier,” Van jumps out of the car and walks with self-assuredness toward where I am standing frozen behind Brian.
“What is it?” I finally manage to rasp out, my voice coming out in a short breath.
“This,” and he grabs me by the back of my neck, almost lifting me off my feet when he slams his mouth over mine. My hands go to his shoulders, and I pray not to pass out from the shock. When the tip of his tongue licks my bottom lip, I whimper and open my mouth. He swoops in, pushing me back against the car.
I have never in my life been kissed this passionately before, and I can’t get enough of it. I don’t even remember where I am until I hear Brian clearing his throat loudly.
Van takes his time pulling back, and when he finally stops kissing me stupid, he looks down at me with an almost evil smile on his face.
“Give me your phone,” he demands. I don’t even question it, just hand the phone over. “Unlock,” he hands it back over and I do as he asks. He taps on a few keys, then I hear his own phone ringing from somewhere in his car. “Text you later.” With that, he slams his lips over mine once again, this time short and hard, then walks back to his car and drives away.
I am left staring after his taillights, unsure of what in the world just happened. Brian’s voice brings me out of my stupor.
“I’m going to correctly assume that you’re not interested in going out with me…”