Page 45 of Six Wishes
Do you know why?
“I got a hold of the Kalypsos attorney,” Wyatt slaps me on the back, taking me by surprise when he drops in the chair next to me.
I should probably feel guilty that we are talking shop at his wedding, but he started it so it’s all fair game in my book.
“How did that go?” I eye him warily. I haven’t heard back from Chuck, so I can only assume he is not aware of the changes coming his way.
He and I did not renew our contract which has been up for two months now. He is normally very good about that, but this time he’s been beyond distracted. Also, I have a feeling that he didn’t bother with it thinking that I won’t be playing anyway. However, we got all these other things he was working on for me, and taking me for granted was a big mistake.
“Interesting,” Wyatt tells me in a low voice before taking a sip from his beer bottle. “It seems like your agent was trying to get a higher cut than your original agreement with him was. However.” Wyatt puts a hand up when he sees me getting ready to pick up my phone and motherfuck the son of a bitch all the way to hell and back. “Given that you currently do not have an actual contract with him, he will have a defense for it should you decide to take legal measures against him.”
“Okay,” I clench my jaw and nod. “I get it. I fucked this up in more ways than one. Now what?”
“He does have a clause in his original contract that stipulates you do have to give him a six month notice when you decide to severe your ties with him. During that time, you will have to pay him a nominal fee as you transfer all your affairs to someone else.”
I have always hated the clerical part of things. I never cared about what happened behind the scenes as long as it was making me money. Things are different now. I didn’t expect to face retirement so soon. I thought I’d have at least another five years in me.
I’m not ready to retire the stick, I realize. Internalizing everything during this time has not done anything but camouflage my emotions. What the hell am I going to do if this is it?
“As soon as you give him your notice, I will step in and take over. You won’t have to do anything other than sign on the dotted line,” Wyatt assures me, and I trust him, probably more than I’ve ever trusted anyone in my life as far as business goes.
“I’m sorry,” I tell him again, even though, I know by now that he’s forgiven me. “I will always regret the way I fucked up with you ten years ago.”
“Well, we’ll make sure that you don’t fuck me over again, won’t we?” He slaps me on the back again and laughs. I know he’s teasing me, but I feel it.
“When do you have time to get this started?”
“I got all the papers drawn. Damian has them and can help you get them signed on Monday.“
Damian Stone is Wyatt’s partner in the law firm, and they are also brothers-in-law now that Wyatt married Alison. Damian is married to her sister, Maci.
“I’ll be off for a few days to spend some time with Ali and Ethan, but I’ll watch my emails and intercept anything coming from Chuck.”
“Thank you, brother, I appreciate it.” I stand up so that we can hug it out.
“Don’t thank me yet, it’ll cost you,” Wyatt sounds way too happy with that warning.
I have a good comeback at the ready but get distracted by the vision that is Chloe Montgomery as she walks toward me with a smile that lights up the room. The world, really.
“Hi, Van,” she stops in front of me and presses a kiss to my cheek. She’s got some wickedly hot sandals on, the high heels giving her a couple more inches which put her even closer to my face.
“I love those fucking shoes, Chlo,” I pull her into me and bend my knees just a touch to put her eye to eye. “Next time,” I nuzzle up her neck, “I want you to wear higher heels, the sexiest you can find.”
“Really?” She pulls her head back in surprise. “I’ve never…”
“You’ve never been with a man who could handle it,” my hand slides down her back, stopping at the top of her ass cheeks. Their roundness is exaggerated by whatever material this dress on her is made out of, and it’s making me weak in the knees. “As far as that goes,” I continue while placing soft kisses all over her face, “you’ve never been with a real man before. I’m your first.”
“Were they all imaginary?” Chloe teases me with an adorable snort.
“They just didn’t exist, Chloe… You know why?”
“That was a pretty good pickup line, Mr. Boyd. I didn’t expect it. Why, Van?” Her hands start playing with the hair on my neck, and I am reminded that I need a haircut soon.
“Because I am the last man you’ll ever have. I just decided that,” I tell her and realize that I do mean it. I feel things for Chloe that I have never felt for anyone before. Brandi-with-an-i doesn’t count one way or another. I was young, and I was definitely stupid. Wyatt can attest to that.