Page 70 of Six Wishes
Great mood
I can’t keep my hands off Chloe as we walk to the elevators, then make it to the lobby. We stumble out of the car in a flurry of movement, her giggles echoing around us every time I press my lips to her neck, on each side, right under her ears.
“We can’t stay out late, Van,” she moans at some point. “Kalypsos said they want to meet with me first thing in the morning. And that’s apparently seven thirty in the morning.”
“That’s basically mid-morning for me, baby,” I chuckle and continue my trek up and down her neck, as I am hugging her from behind, arms looped around her waist.
“That’s early,” she gives me an offended huff. “I just can’t believe people would want to have business meetings that early in the morning.”
“I’ll make sure to wake you up,” I promise her with a final kiss on the cheek.
Just then, I notice in the corner of my eye that someone is trying to get our attention. I turn my head and see Hunter Montgomery jumping up and down and waving for Chloe to take notice.
“Your cousin wants you,” I nudge her in that direction. As we get closer, I see that Zach is right behind her, an intense look on his face as he watches every move that Hunter is making.
Chloe takes off in their direction at a brisk pace, and I hook my finger in one of the loops on her jeans to stop her.
“Easy there, speedy.” I pull her back and stick my hand in her back pocket, forcing her to walk next to me instead of taking off like a bat out of hell. And can I say again how much I love how tall she is? With any other girl, I’d have to be bending my body in half to reach her ass. Not with Chloe. Thank God.
“Chloe,” Hunter just about falls into Chloe’s arms when we are finally standing in front of her. I do a lift chin greeting with Zach, then turn my attention on the girls.
“Slayer,” Chloe laughs and hugs her cousin back. I lift both eyebrows in confusion when I hear the name she calls her. “Have you been drinking?”
Hunter starts giggling like she’s a middle school girl in front of her very first crush. She puts her thumb and index finger together. “Just a bit.”
From the obvious slurring she’s got going on, I’d say she’s had more than just a bit of alcohol.
“We need to get some coffee and water in you, Hunter,” Chloe holds her upright, both of them almost toppling over in the process. I rush to put my arms out to support Chloe just as Zach grabs Hunter from behind.
“Zach,” she slurs again. “This is him,” she whispers loudly into Chloe’s ear. She gasps in shock at that piece of information, and I am left wondering what that is about.
“Hunter,” Chloe’s voice is more cautious now, worried even.
“No,” Hunter struggles to push Zach’s hands off her, but he’s not complying. If anything, his face looks furious now.
There’s a bit of awkward silence between the four of us in spite of Hunter’s almost funny attempts to free herself.
“Okay,” I clap my hands together, trying to break the tension. “We were going to try and hit the jackpot. Chandler and Monica style.”
Hunter’s face is a mask of shock, and I am actually shocked myself that she can process what I’m talking about. It’s funny how alcohol sharpens some people’s brains instead of the other way around.
“You’re getting married?”
Zach’s eyes snap to mine, one eyebrow up in question and I grin and shrug in response. Hey, we don’t know yet, but it may be happening. It is Vegas after all.
“We don’t know yet,” Chloe answers like she can read my mind. “But we’ll give it our all. Right, Van?”
She looks back at me with the sweetest smile. I am struck again by all the feelings I have for her. My chest feels tight from them, and I hope not from getting ready to have a panic attack. I have never told anyone that I wanted to marry them.
I take a second to think if I can picture myself without Chloe in my life. Then I realize that I can’t picture not having her in my life. So, it is a no brainer then.
“Yes,” Hunter throws her arms up, replying for me to Chloe’s question. Then, she takes it one step further and shocks us all. “Let’s go get married, Zach.” She hooks her arm around his and tries to pull him toward the main door of the hotel we’re in.
“Wait,” Chloe grabs her by the other arm, leaving Hunter almost suspended in between us and Zach. Who’s got a tight grip on her now, might I add.