Page 75 of Six Wishes
“I’m okay,” I smile back. “I got cleared to play.”
“You did?” she gasps and slaps a hand over her mouth.
“Yeah,” I grin. It was such a relief to hear my career is not over just yet. That I may have the opportunity to retire on my own terms. “But,” because of course there’s a catch, “my contract is up next year. I will have to go through a very thorough evaluation at that time to see where I am with my knee…”
“Van,” Chloe throws herself against me, arms wrapped around my neck. “I am so proud of you,” she whispers in my ear, “so very proud!”
“Thank you, Chlo, but there’s more.” I hate to burst her bubble, but we need to be on the same page without a doubt. “This obviously means that I am going back to New York. Training camp starts in two weeks.”
“Oh,” she pushes herself back so she could see my face. Yeah, oh. “What about us?”
“I want you to go with me, Chlo,” I beg. “I am scared that you will hate it there because you won’t know anyone, and I will be so fuckin’ busy with practice and the games once the season starts.”
Her hands go back to covering her mouth like she always seems to do. Her eyes are looking bluer from the tears that seem to gather there. My heart is beating out of my chest, unsure if she is looking at me like that because she’s happy or because she’s not sure of how to let me down easy.
“You really want me there with you?” she finally mumbles from behind her hands.
“I can’t imagine you not being there with me, Chlo. You were all I thought about when I was there. You’re all I ever think about. Always.”
“I’ll do it,” she bobs her head up and down. “I want to be with you. I got nothing keeping me back home. I could find a job there.”
“We’ll figure things out,” I promise her and finally swoop her into a big kiss. Her mouth opens to mine, and I moan when I feel the tip of her tongue against mine.
People clapping their hands, also whooping and hollering, startle us from the intensity of our kiss. When I look around us, I am shocked to see how many people have been watching us. Some have their phones out, and it is obvious that we are going to end all over social media once again. For a good reason this time.
“Oh God, what is happening?” Chloe’s bewildered look makes me laugh, but it also propels me into action.
We get stopped by some fans who seem genuine, so I feel compelled to give them the autographs and selfies they politely ask for. A couple ask for Chloe to be in the pictures as well, and she gives me a tentative smile, not knowing what to do.
“Come here,” I tag her my way, and she stumbles into me, making everyone laugh. I’m pretty sure some caught the entire thing on camera too.
“That was crazy, Van,” she whispers when we are safely away from the mob of people.
“Get used to it, baby, that was nothing.” I have to give it to her straight because sometimes they are brutal, I have to say.
All of a sudden, Chloe’s body is ramrod straight, jaw slack and eyes looking straight ahead. I follow her eyes to see what she is seeing.
Hunter Montgomery is walking our way with purpose. She looks like she can’t wait to snatch Chloe out of my arms and run away with her. Zach Cavanaugh is, however, right on her heels, hand seeming tight on the back of Hunter’s neck. There is no running from that.
“Slayer,” Chloe goes to hug her cousin, but Zach puts a stop to it.
“We need to fly out,” he looks me straight in the eyes, no emotion showing whatsoever. “You guys good?”
“What? What do you mean you’re flying back home?” Chloe’s voice echoes around us. “With Hunter? She came here with me. We’re going home together.”
“Chlo,” Hunter looks like she is about to cry. “I did something…”
“You sure you want to share all the news, Hunter?” Zach’s voice sounds downright threatening, and now I am standing up at attention too.
“Dude, what the fuck is going on?” I take a step their way, ready to save Hunter if necessary. I’m just not sure what from.
“That’s between me and Hunter here,” he gives me a warning look, like this is between me and my woman, you take care of yours.
“Zach,” Chloe starts, and I can tell it won’t be good. “I swear to God that I will call the police on you if you don’t let Hunter talk to me right this minute.”
“By all means,” Zach let’s go of Hunter and takes two steps back, “talk.”
Chloe grabs Hunter by the arm and drags her few feet away where she starts whispering furiously, every so often turning her head to make sure me and Zach can’t hear. Hunter is just standing there nodding once in a while, but she doesn’t seem exactly focused on whatever Chloe is telling her. And then, she finally looks into her cousin’s eyes and whispers something. Chloe just freezes, her eyes flying back to Zach who is grinning at the two of them.