Page 12 of Hawk
“Yeah,” he nods. “And I got hit on more times than I could count. I about killed a couple of motherfuckers before they let me out.”
We spend the next few minutes with me giving him shit about his sexual activities while being locked up and him defending his actions. In the end, the conversation gets back to the stripper.
“Just be careful with her, brother.” Winger’s face and tone of voice are serious now. “Women like her know how to play the best of us. Don’t fuckin’ go and fall for her, or we’re all screwed, you hear?”
I finish my cigarette and throw the butt in the small tray full of sand that’s been placed out here for this exact purpose.
“You must confuse me for a prospect,” I tell him. “I think I’m old enough to not be tricked by a pussy that’s available to anyone who’s got a handful of dollars to throw at it.”
Our entire clubhouse is full of whores. If I wanted to get serious with one of them, I’d have my pick.
Winger just shrugs. “I’ve seen stranger things happen.”
I stand up from the table and stretch my legs. I’ve seen plenty of fucked up shit in my life, too. Me falling for a stripper who’s the enemy won’t ever be one of them.
My hips move with the music. The whistling and catcalling from the crowd are getting louder the lower to the ground I get. With my fingers firmly wrapped around the pole, I spread my legs into a split and do a slow spin. It takes a lot of upper body strength, reminding me that I missed my workout this morning.
To be able to do the things that I do, you have to stay in shape. My weekly routine is a combination of weights, cardio and Pilates, different things on different days. I love how each one works a different part of my body, and the results show.
Now, as I see all the money being thrown at me, I smile. Not sure how long I can do this for, and I need to save as much money as possible. After four years, I have a few physical issues that cannot be fixed without possible surgery. I’ve had to alter some of my dances at various times so that I would give my shoulders a break here and there, and other times for my hips or my knees. Being a stripper is not the mindless job people make it out to be.
I continue dancing, my eyes going over the patrons, at least what I can see of them with the bright lights in my face like this. My mind goes a hundred miles an hour, wondering if I could one day run my own strip club. I could make money off the dancers, as opposed to me dancing.
Before I know it, the song is over. It is my last one of the night, so I gather all the bills off the stage, making sure to stretch extra hard in front of those who gave me the most. I even give out a freebie and allow one of them to touch my right buttock. When he gets a bit too carried away and squeezes hard, I tap his arm and he lets go right away.
I’ve always gotten lucky with all of my clients. Despite the fact that they always want more, they’ve always respected my boundaries. And if they want private sessions, I never say no as long as they can afford it.
Not getting attached is key in this business. Fortunately for me, my life from before taught me that no one ever cares about you, no matter how hard you pray that they would.
“Nice job.”
The girl dancing after me gives me a wink on her way to take the stage. This is the most popular time slot. She and I started taking turns dancing during these hours when we realized that fighting over it would not help anyone. We strategized and came to a compromise. There’s plenty of money to go around as long as you’re smart about it.
I strut down to the dressing room, feeling energized. The crowd tonight was phenomenal, and I wish I could’ve had another couple of sets. But being greedy never brings anything good.
I jump in place when JJ, our massive security guard, calls my name. He is down the hall from the entrance to the dressing room.
“Caller on room three.”
A new wave of adrenaline runs through me. I rush inside the dressing room to fix my hair before going to the bathroom really quick. I take a sniff to make sure my armpits don’t stink, happy that the deodorant I put on has held up.
Finally happy with my overall appearance, I open the door and head out to room three. That is the room where they normally just want a few extra dances, with a bit of a more personal touch. There is no sex, and hardly any touching on their part. But they do like to watch. It’s easy money.
When I get in front of the door to room three, I gently knock. There is no point in waiting for an invitation to get in. Most of them are married and scared of their own shadows because of it. They don’t want to talk for fear it might get recorded. Fine by me.
I put a coy smile on my face and prepare for the show. Only to freeze by the door as soon as it closes behind me. There are a few different things that are wrong with the picture in front of me, starting with the fact that there are two men waiting for me in the room. The strip club rules never allow for that, not in room three.
These are the two bikers who are friends with Lala. They are from the Steel Lizards motorcycle club located about forty-five minutes to the south.
They are the rivals to the one motorcycle club that’s to our north. The ones who run a sex trafficking ring. That’s where the guy from the other night was from.
“Gentlemen…” I try to make my voice sounds stern and confident. “You must’ve stepped into the wrong room by mistake.”