Page 36 of Hawk
She starts crying again, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes at her. I get that she got scared, but that was nothing compared to what it could’ve been.
“Can you give me a ride back to my house?”
The request sounds so innocent, I bust out laughing.
“Girl, you are in a world of trouble. You can’t go back to that dump. They’ll come back for you.”
She wipes at her face, a mixture of fear and determination now taking residence on it.
“What am I supposed to do? Stay here with you forever now? I have to go to work, Hawk!”
I love the way she says my name. It’s nothing special, but my heart picks up a little every time I hear it from her lips.
Sighing, I get up from the floor and sit on the bed next to her, pushing her a little when she doesn’t move to make room for me. It’s almost like she wants me to cradle her in my arms. I finally give into temptation and do just that.
“Sweetheart, you have to understand that you are on Bricks’ radar. He and his club are bad people. They literally sell people…”
Her entire body tenses in my arms.
“That’s what they told me about you and your club, Hawk.”
I chuckle at that. “I know. That’s the reason why we chose you to carry the information to them.”
I probably shouldn’t come clean to her, not sure it’s the smartest decision, but at this point, who cares anyway. My time here is limited, literal days left before I have to head to Austin for Devereaux’s big mission there. After that, we are done with this shit. Our contracts with Devereaux will be in place and the Steel Lizards MC will be extinct.
Ruby moves to the side a little so she could look at my face. I don’t have the lights on, but there’s some coming from the big sign outside my door.
“You know that I was telling them everything you were telling me?”
Her voice is a little shaky. Her body follows as soon as I nod in confirmation.
“You were doing it on purpose,” she whispers.
I actually feel sorry for her right now. I wish she had never been involved in any of this. Under more normal circumstances, I would’ve considered asking her if she wanted to work at our strip club and continue our fuck fests. But that would not be an option now. Prez would never allow it. She is not trustworthy.
“I am so stupid.”
Just as the tears run down her face again, a loud fist bangs against the flimsy motel room door. Without stopping to think more about any of this, I jump off the bed. In one swift move, I pick Ruby off the bed and walk her to the small bathroom, dumping her without any ceremony in the little tub there.
“Lie down,” I direct her without actually looking to make sure she does as she’s told.
When I turn back, I notice the pink case of her cell phone on the floor. I grab it and throw it in the tub as well. From the small whimper I hear, I’m sure it landed on her head, but I don’t have time to worry about it.
The loud knock shakes the door off its hinges when I don’t open it fast enough. As soon as I do, I come face to face with the two from earlier.
“Hey, man,” the taller of the two lifts his chin at me. “We need to check your room.”
I chuckle at first, but then let out a booming burst of laughter when I realize he is serious. They both look at me in confusion, and that’s how they don’t pay attention when I bring my left hand to the back and pull out the gun I always keep at the small of my back in a holster that fits perfectly there.
“I don’t know who the fuck you fuckers think you are to come at me like this, but you will be two dead fuckers if you don’t leave right now. And tell Bricks it’s war if he doesn’t watch it.”
Both their eyes widen in surprise at me mentioning Bricks. They’re not wearing any colors so I’m sure they’re not part of his club, but it is obvious they’re part of his side job.
“Hey, man, we don’t mean no trouble,” the shorter one tries to make peace. “We’re still looking for that girl. We’ve been looking through all the rooms, not just yours.”
The door is wide open behind me, and the bathroom only has a wider opening, but no door. It’s easy to see the whole thing from the entryway where we’re all standing.