Page 40 of Hawk
“I have to leave town,” he tells me. The sound vibrates from his chest and into my body. I don’t think he expect me to say anything, so I remain quiet.
“I am needed at home,” he continues. “For personal reasons.”
He then reaches to the side to grab something. A few moments later, I hear him using the lighter, then the smell of smoke from his cigarette fills the room. It is oddly comforting.
“You should probably come with me.”
My body tenses at hearing that. I am scared that I didn’t hear him right.
“Might as well get to meet my mother,” he adds.
If this is a joke, it is a cruel one.
Winger sent me a message to say that Prez wanted me home. My mother took a turn for the worse, and they wanted to talk to me at the home.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would show up with a stripper in tow.
Now, as I lay in bed with Ruby in my arms, I realize that I can’t leave her behind. Every single time the thought crosses my mind, my stomach churns in distress. Same thing happens when I think about eliminating her altogether.
The taste of her is now imprinted on my brain. It was a huge mistake to have her sit on my face.
One thing is for certain. I got myself into this mess, and now, I have no idea what the best way going forward is. Once I get home, I’ll have to talk to the prez, maybe we can give her a job at the strip club we now own.
I turn my head and stare at Ruby’s prone body. She fell asleep about an hour ago. I’m not even sure she understood when I told her she’d be coming with me to visit my mother.
“Fuck,” I mumble to myself and disentangle from her arms. For whatever reason, she likes to cuddle when she sleeps. I never knew that about her since this is the first time she is actually sleeping next to me. All the other times, I’d fuck her, feed her information, then leave.
I walk to the bathroom and use the toilet, then turn the shower on. I realize with a start that I still have my t-shirt and jeans on. I’m not sure if I was ever fully naked with Ruby. She has, but not me.
Feeling her bare skin against mine would imply an intimacy that I will never be ready for. In fact, just thinking about it makes me unwell.
I pull the t-shirt over my head and drop it to the floor before doing the same thing with my jeans and underwear. I am just about to step inside when I hear something.
Looking down, I realize with amusement that the only weapon I got is my hard cock. I stick my head out of the small space they call a bathroom but don’t see anything out of the ordinary. I frown, ready to walk over and grab my gun off the table next to the bed where I placed it under my cut, when I hear it again.
This time, it is obvious that the sounds are coming from the bed. I turn my head, my eyes clashing with Ruby’s. At first, I smirk, but then I realize that she is not amused. In fact, she looks scared, the whimper escaping her lips only proving it.
“You okay?” I ask when I get close enough to the bed. My shadow looming over her seems to incite her even more. She starts shaking, to the point where her teeth are chattering. Her head moves from side to side, and her mouth opens and closes, but no sound is coming out.
I take another step closer, and this time she screams. The sound reverberates against the walls of the room. Worried that someone would hear it and rush over here, I jump and land on the bed, right on top of her, with one hand covering her mouth.
That seems to be the worst thing to do. Ruby starts thrashing around, arms and legs trying to push at me while she struggles to bite me.
“What the fuck, shut up!”
I yell the words in her face, but it’s not helping at all. Tears burst out of her eyes, and now she is worse than before. It takes me a minute to realize that she is mumbling words.
“Please don’t do this to me, Cullen. I- I love you,” she sobs. “They are hurting me. Please don’t…”
She goes on like this for a while, to the point where I am this close to slapping her for a hard reset. But I have a feeling it would not work as anticipated.
“They’re hurting me,” she yelps, clutching at my arms.
With my heart beating out of my chest, I manage to wrap one arm around her while pressing her face to my chest. Ruby continues shivering, fighting with herself between the need to have me close and the desperation to get away from anyone who might want to hurt her.