Page 42 of Hawk
“What shoe size do you wear?” I ask, nonetheless.
Ruby looks as confused as I feel. “Uh, seven.”
I nod and continue drying myself off. When I am finally done, I drop the towel to the ground before reaching into my small bag for a pair of clean underwear, socks and t-shirt. I then put my jeans and boots on, feeling like a brand new man.
Once I’m done, I find myself staring at Ruby again. The last few weeks should not have meant anything to me. But through an interesting turn of events, I am finding myself fascinated by her. She is sweet and caring despite the nature of her job. It makes me wonder if she is like this with everyone, or if she is giving me special treatment.
I realize with a start that the thought of her being with others the same that she’s been with me is putting me into a fit of rage. I’ve shared plenty of women over the years, and I’ve also had plenty of group sex. My mind feels unhinged as I try to place Ruby in any of those scenarios. I just want to keep her for myself. This could be a real problem.
I grab my cut off the table and yank it on, aggravated now with the stupid thoughts floating through my mind.
“I need to run out for a bit.”
The words come out no better than a grunt.
“It’s up to you if you want to leave while I’m gone,” I inform her. “If you do leave, be prepared to die shortly after,” I warn her. “Just because I told them last night that you were not here, it doesn’t mean they believed it. What you do next is your fucking business.”
She doesn’t say or do anything other than stare at me. I put my gun in the holster at my back and nod at her. I tap my pockets to make sure I got my phone, wallet and cigarettes before walking out of the room.
“Fucking hell,” I mutter to myself when the sun hits me right in the eyeballs.
The three feet I walk to my bike feel like too much. I blindly search for my sunglasses with one hand while pulling a cigarette out with the other. Just as I sit on the bike, my cell phone starts ringing.
“Yeah,” I say in greeting. There is no point in wondering who the unknown number flashing on my screen is. Everyone blocks their number in my world, with very few exceptions.
“Mr. Hawk, good morning.”
I roll my eyes at Devereaux’s tone when he speaks. I have never in my life met anyone who is as pompous as he is.
“It sure fucking is,” I agree with him, then light up a cigarette. My eyes go all around, making sure there is no one listening in. Starting the bike and talking while riding is not an option.
“There’s been a slight change of plans,” he informs me.
I let out a long puff of smoke. “You don’t say,” I murmur. “What change is that?”
“The mission in Austin has been moved to the day after tomorrow. I need you here by end of day today, so we can go over the details.”
My mind instantly goes to the woman inside my room. What the fuck am I supposed to do with her now? If I leave here now, there is no coming back. She will have to fend for herself.
“You said it would not be for another couple of weeks,” I protest.
The second the words are out of my mouth, I want to bring them back. He now knows I have a weakness, and while he doesn’t know specifically what it is, he is good at figuring shit out.
“And now I’m telling you it will be in two days, Mr. Hawk.” The way he speaks leaves no room for negotiations.
I suddenly remember that I am supposed to be back home to see my mother.
“I can’t this soon,” I tell him and brace for his wrath.
Devereaux sighs, but it’s more of an amused sigh.
“Mr. Hawk, I am aware of the situation with your mother. You will be home by the end of this week, I promise you. Also…”
He hesitates, and I am pretty sure this is the first time I heard him unsure of how to proceed.
“Bricks is upping his game. He has everything lined up to screw me over. Or so he thinks.”
I continue smoking on my cigarette as I listen. Apparently, Bricks has been calling on all his favors in a desperate move not to lose some major contracts. The reason he is preparing a new shipment of young girls sooner than expected is because the one dealer requested it in exchange for allowing him to transport drugs for them.