Page 64 of Hawk
When we walk out of the bedroom, she stops by my mother’s bed.
“Goodbye, Mary.” She kisses the tips of her fingers before touching them to my mother’s cheek. “I will never forget you. I love you.”
She straightens her shoulders and turns to face me, determination written all over her face.
“I’m ready.”
I nod and lead the way out of the building. It sucks that I’ll never be ready.
Getting out of the facility care where Mary lived was a lot harder than getting in. Hawk didn’t want any of the staff to see me leaving, Mrs. Clarence included. Since I know their schedules by now, I know they will find me gone sooner than he thought. I ran through the bushes all the way to the large gates. Since they were closed, I had to wait there for Hawk to arrive on his motorcycle.
In a smooth move that we could not have gotten any more perfect had we tried, he slowed down just enough for me to grab him by the arm and land behind him in the seat. He continued riding out, and the gates swung closed behind us.
That was ten minutes ago, and we are still going strong. I know that Hawk is on a time crunch since he needs to get back to his clubhouse.
Wrapped up in his hoodie, I try to relax and enjoy this ride for the short amount that it will last. I put my arms around him and let out a giggle. I hadn’t been out in fresh air while he’d been gone. The entire experience now feels so liberating. I wish I could ride like this with him forever.
At some point, as we head toward the bus stop he mentioned before, he puts a hand over both of mine that are around his waist. He gives them a squeeze, making my heart bleed in my chest.
I don’t want to part ways with him, not yet. But this is my only chance to get out of this entire situation alive. I know it in my gut that if I say no to this, if I insist on staying with Hawk, things will not end well for me.
While he continues riding down a long winding road, I realize with a start that tomorrow is my birthday. I have no idea where I’ll be. I don’t know what will happen with all my stuff at the apartment I was renting. I don’t know if this will work or if I’ll be alive for a long time to come.
I panic when I feel the bike slowing down. I didn’t even realize that Hawk pulled behind a large building. He taps my leg, signaling for me to get off the bike. I follow his directive, then stand next to it, with the hood pulled over my head, backpack full of cash strapped to my shoulders, a burner phone in my packet, and no idea of where I can go.
“After you use the phone I gave you, take the SIM card out.”
He waits for a second to make sure I understand what he’s telling me, so I nod.
“You take a rock and crush it, flush it down the toilet.”
I lick my lips nervously. “Okay.”
“You do not try to contact me or anyone else from your former life.”
My eyes fill with fresh tears. I can’t do this. Then I remember that my financial advisor is local.
“How am I going to call my money guy? He is from here.”
Hawk lets out a frustrated sigh. “Just be smart, Ruby. About everything. Don’t try to be anyone’s hero out there.”
“I won’t,” I whimper.
This is a lot harder than I would’ve expected. The worst goodbye ever.
“Be smart, Ruby,” he repeats. I swear I can hear anguish in his voice.
“H-how…” I stop to swallow around the knot in the back of my throat, then try again. “How am I going to find out how Mary is doing?”
He looks me dead in the eyes. “You won’t.”
It is the answer I was expecting, yet it hurts like nothing else ever has before.
“This is the bus station.” He points to the building behind us. “They offer trips all over the country. Pay with cash and give them a fake name. When they ask to see an ID, tell them you lost yours.”