Page 77 of Hawk
Instant tears form in my eyes, and I am still scared. In the corner of my eye, I notice a shadow approaching.
“Don’t come any closer,” I yell out, although, not as firmly as I was hoping. The shadow stops moving in an instant, and I let out a sigh of relief.
“Miss,” the voice calls out to me again. “I swear to you on my life that I will not hurt you. Please come out.”
I have no idea why I trust this person. I don’t even know who he is. He doesn’t sound like Devereaux nor his bodyguard. I take a tentative step, then another, until I am out in the open.
As soon as my eyes connect to the man’s standing in front of me, I turn around, ready to run. Since I have no idea which way the exit door even is, he has no trouble catching up with me. He is massive in size, and when he grabs me by the nape of my neck, he about lifts me off the ground.
“Jesus, stop fighting. I’m not here to hurt you!”
He yells at me when I start swinging my arms and legs. He manages to drag me to a couch, but at least I know I gave it my all. I remain where he dropped me, my chest rising and falling with my heavy breathing.
“Devereaux and Malone had to leave,” he tries to explain to me. “It was urgent. I was their only option at short notice. My name is Sully, and…”
“And you are from the Steel Lizards MC,” I spit at him.
He is friends with the one guy who Lala was after, Puck. This guy, Sully, was always there, although, he was not into the dancers much.
“I understand why you would not trust me,” he tells me. “But I will trust you with what I am about to tell you. This piece of information would get me killed if it got back to my president.”
I swallow around the lump in my throat, unsure of what to believe. I’ve been played so many times by now, and each time by people moving into the same circles, I am having a hard time processing anything.
“I’ve been working with Devereaux on this mission,” Sully tells me when I don’t respond. “Bricks really is the evil man you were told. It was never the Savages, like he made you believe.”
All that he is telling me makes me think of Hawk. I don’t know who to blame for his demise anymore. I stare at Sully until my eyes get blurry from all the tears I try to hold back, but all of a sudden, the dam is open. I let it all out. I cry like I have never cried before, with my shoulders shaking and turned onto myself.
Blake, to his credit, doesn’t say a word. He doesn’t try to comfort me either. He takes a seat on the couch across from me and lets me get it all off my chest. I feel oddly grateful for the opportunity.
“Why are you not with your club?” I finally ask.
He glances at the watch he’s wearing, then up at me.
“I have to leave in exactly four hours. I promised Devereaux that I’d stay with you and keep you safe until he gets back. At the last check in, they were still two hours out.”
“How long ago was that?”
“Forty-five minutes ago,” Sully informs me.
He continues sitting there and looking at me, but he doesn’t make me uncomfortable. I have no idea what it is about him, but I do trust him.
“I understand that you are important to Hawk,” he says after a few minutes of complete silence.
I don’t reply. There’s nothing to say about it. Hawk’s actions would indicate that I was indeed important to him. But he never translated that into words. Then again, they do say that actions speak louder than words. I don’t know, my head is just a jumbled mess. Sully doesn't seem to care that I don't react.
"I never had much interaction with Hawk. But he was always respected in our world. The Savages, as a club, are also respected. The idea that they would get involved in a sex trafficking ring is ridiculous."
I get defensive at that. Everyone seems to be telling me the same damn thing, and I keep on over explaining myself to all of them.
“Well, how would I have known that, Sully?” I yell at him. “I always stayed away and minded my own business. Lala is the one who always wanted a biker, your friend, Puck, in particular.”
There’s a hint of a smile forming in the corner of his mouth. I’m not sure if I am the reason he is amused or if has fond memories of Lala. Most likely that.
“That’s who you should go and lecture on how wonderful the Savages are,” I cry out. “Better yet, why don’t you and Puck jump ship and go work for them.”
I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore, or why I am even bothering. I just want to be left alone. Devereaux should’ve never come after me at the bus station. By now, I could’ve been hundreds of miles away from here, from this state, from everything.
“You’re angry,” Sully states the obvious. “I get it. I can only hope that one day I meet someone who cares enough about me to be this angry.”