Page 79 of Hawk
Through swollen eyes, I stare at the sky above me. The sun beats on me, blinding me with its brightness. Under normal circumstances, I’d be angered by it. But after surviving the last twenty-four hours, I relish in it.
My entire body aches in ways I never imagined. I don’t know if I have any broken bones, and I can’t go to a hospital. Instead, I will hope and pray that the good beating I took will not leave any permanent damage.
The meeting at the club ended in chaos. Once the members had the chance to process what Prez was proposing, they erupted into yelling and pointing fingers, threatening to leave the club altogether due to inconsistencies in following the bylaws. The only one who never protested to it was Winger.
When he jumped on the table and let out a loud whistle, they all got quiet.
“How about you show some fucking respect to our president and hear him out?”
He turned around and stared everybody down until they each sat down and grumbled under their breath.
Winger jumped off the table but didn’t sit back down next to me. Instead, he started pacing around the table, taking lead of the meeting. Prez crossed his arms over his chest and smiled at him proudly.
“As a loyal member of the Savages MC, I swore that I would never pass judgement onto my president and the decisions he would make without hearing him out.”
He stopped at the end of the table opposite to Prez. From his spot there, he dared each one of the members to fight him on this.
“Now, Prez…” He crossed his arms over his chest and widened his stance. His eyes looked like flame throwers when he focused them on the club leader. “The floor is yours.”
Prez took his time responding. When he made eye contact with the members, they all looked away in shame one by one.
“It is nice to see that at least one of you can think clearly in a situation of emergency.”
“Things were clear before we took our small break.” Winger’s eyes fell on me. “Why the change of heart?”
Prez chuckled. “I have to say that I am impressed with your sense of leadership, Winger.” He glanced my way in approval. “You did learn from the best.” Then, all amusement died on his face. “Don’t fuck it up.”
“Winger is right, Prez,” someone called from the side. “We were supposed to vote on…“ The brother hesitated for a second. “On how Hawk should leave the club.”
Prez smirked. “And I offered you an option, did I not?”
“Why is Hawk allowed to walk away free?”
Prez never took his eyes off the brothers while he seemed to have an inner battle with himself on how he should present the situation. I was just as flabbergasted as they were.
“Hawk is not walking away free,” he declared. “Hawk is being turned over to our new business associate. Should you vote in agreement to the business deal.”
He grabbed the gavel and kept it poised over the table.
“All in favor say aye.”
One second passed. Then another…
“Aye,” came the resounding response just when I thought it wouldn’t happen.
The gavel hit the table, and Prez met my eyes. The beginning of a smirk formed in the corner of his mouth.
“This doesn’t mean that we are not going to give Hawk a proper sendoff.”
That’s how they walked me to the yard and took turns at hitting and punching me until I didn’t know which way was up. I just stood there and took it all, knowing that I deserved it.
They went at me for what felt like hours but not really sure. When they were done with me, I allowed myself to fall to the ground. I’m pretty sure I was drooling, and I was grateful that it was dark out and no one could actually see it.
At some point, Winger put a pillow under my head and Prez threw a blanket over me. They then sat in chairs next to me and shared a bottle of whiskey to the very last drop. They shared stories from our adventures together, managing to even make me laugh at times, even though it hurt like a motherfucker to do so.
I’m not sure when, but I did fall asleep. Now, it is morning time, and the sun is blinding me with its brilliance. When I lift my head to look around, I notice that only Winger is still with me.
“Hey, fucker,” he greets me when he notices that I’m awake. “I’m gonna miss your ugly mug.”