Page 85 of Hawk
Besides, I don’t want any blood spluttering on me. I am wearing gloves, but anything that might drop on my clothes could incriminate me. Me having to leave Ruby because I’m in jail for life for killing this asshole is not at option.
The bag of cocaine from his dealer is in my pocket. I take it out and open it, chuckling when I see Cullen Stevens’ eyes growing big in his face. He tries even harder now to get out of the handcuffs, his legs kicking as he tries to get to me.
I sprinkle some of the powdery substance all over his cock, and he looks horrified.
“You’re not used to just wasting it, huh?” I laugh.
When I’m done, I place the plastic against the tip of the knife before pressing it to his chest, close enough to his heart. He stops moving for a second.
“I want you to know,” I growl at him, “that this is for Ruby Santiago.”
The shock on his face is almost laughable.
“Ah, do you remember her?”
He doesn’t move at all.
“I’m sure you do. Ruby never forgot you, Cullen,” I whisper. “She still has nightmares about what you and your buddies did to her. They already paid for it.”
Cullen whimpers and I smell something. The fucker literally shit himself.
“It’s your turn now, Cullen.”
I press the knife a little harder, breaking the skin, and he tries to scream around the gag in his mouth. With limited time on my side, I cut my losses and push the knife all the way in. Cullen’s face drops to look down, in shock that I actually did it. I stabbed him. There is no saving from this, and he knows it.
With the church service so close to starting, I don’t have time to do anything else. But I do take a second to run a finger over the blood that’s now running, then wipe it on his soft cock, over the white powder I sprinkled earlier.
“For Ruby Santiago,” I repeat. “I hope it was worth it for you, Cullen.”
Leaving the church undetected is not hard at all. Everyone is at the front in their pews, waiting for the service to start. All cameras have been disabled before I walked in, so I’m not worried about it. There’s a plain car waiting to take me back to the small airport where I board the private jet back to Montana.
The gloves I wore when I took care of Cullen are meticulously stored in a small plastic bag that’s in my pocket. As soon as we land in Montana, I pull out a pack of cigarettes and stick one in my mouth. Before lighting it, I set the bag with the gloves on fire. The smell of burned plastic is awful, but I stand there and watch until there is absolutely nothing left of it. By then, I am done smoking my third cigarette, a coughing fit hitting me hard. This is the first time I’m smoking in a few years. Ruby won’t be happy.
And speaking of Ruby… I am late.
Today is one of the best days of my life. I am graduating from college. As I stand in line to walk across the stage and get my diploma, I reflect on the last six years.
After Hawk recovered from his injuries, we left Texas for the last time. I cried only because I knew we would never be back to see Mary again. The thought of abandoning her sat heavy in my chest for the longest time. When news of her passing came, I cried a lot, but then I was relieved that she wouldn’t be suffering anymore. I am now able to visit her anytime I want to, and I tell her without words that I am taking care of Hawkeye. I always will.
Life with Hawk has been so intense but in a good way. He helped me grow up in so many ways. Because of him, I was able to make a couple of friends, and he encouraged me to go back to school. Getting my GED with him by my side was one of my proudest moments.
When he encouraged me to go to college, I cried. I didn’t think I was smart enough to do it. He got angry about me thinking so lowly of myself. We fought, we made up. But most of all, we did this together.
“Ruby Santiago,” a voice calls over the speakers, bringing me to the present.
My legs are shaking when I walk across the stage to receive my diploma. People whistling and clapping their hands for me echo from the crowd, but I am scared to look so I wouldn’t lose my footing.
As soon as I am off the stage, I rush toward where I hope Hawk is waiting for me. I take off in a run when I see him, and he opens his arms wide for me.
“You are the most beautiful college graduate I have ever seen,” he whispers in my ear. “I am so damn proud of you.”
I feel chocked up, to the point where I can do anything else other than nod in thanks.
“I love you so much,” I whimper when I finally find my voice. “Thank you for giving me this life.”
Hawk squeezes me harder before setting me back on my feet.