Page 9 of Hawk
“They used to be best friends,” Prez confirms. “But then, Bricks decided that he wanted Devereaux’s woman.”
I lift my eyebrows in surprise.
“When was that?”
“Fuck if I remember,” he shrugs. “It’s gotta be close to forty years by now.”
I bust out laughing. “Forty fucking years? And he’s taking his revenge now? That must’ve been some magic pussy.”
“I’m sure it was,” he laughs with me. “She is now married to Bricks, has been since.”
The laughter dies on my lips. “What the fuck.”
“Arlene Knight has been at the crux of all this for a long time. I’ve been waiting for this day.”
It doesn’t make sense to me. “Why did Devereaux wait this long?”
“He was in business with Bricks. There were long standing contracts that could not be broken. Not without everyone dying. He had to bide his time.”
I tap my hand on the table as my brain works on connecting the dots and figuring things out.
“So what now, he wants his woman back? Ain’t she old by now?”
He smirks and shrugs. “She’s still hot. And she doesn’t look as bad as you’d expect considering all the shit Bricks put her through over the years.”
I drop my head back and think for a minute, putting together all the information that we currently have. Although, it is obvious that our president here knows more than we thought.
“Arlene Knight was not on the list of people he told us to make sure are out of the clubhouse,” I finally realize.
“Devereaux will take care of that part himself,” Prez informs me calmly. “His woman, his problem.”
“The easiest way would be to just infiltrate Bricks’ club,” I think out loud. “Send a prospect in.”
“This job is too big to trust a prospect with it,” Prez mutters. “We need to focus on how this will help our club. This is a huge opportunity for us, Hawk. We need to be able to pull it off.”
I laugh at that. “And fucking the stripper is the only way to do it, huh?”
“The sacrifices you need to make in the name of the club, brother.” Prez joins into my amusement.
His face gets serious right after. It’s all fun and games until your life is on the line.
“Wrecker is recovering at his brother’s house up in Illinois,” he tells me. “He’ll be heading home soon. He’s got this little kid now, not sure why the fuck he would bring him back here.”
“There was no kid on the list of people to get out,” I make sure to point out. “Other than Wrecker, we got Puck, Sully, and their computer weirdo, Shortie. That’s a strange group to rescue.”
“Wrecker is Arlene’s son,” Prez explains. “Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was Devereaux’s son, too. But my math could be wrong,” he shrugs. “I’m not sure what the connection to Puck and Sully is, but I’d bet good money there is one.”
“What about Shortie?”
“Shortie is a fuckin’ mystery, too.”
“How did the stripper get involved in all this shit?”
Prez taps his fingers on the table, the move almost hypnotic.
“The other stripper there, Lala is her name… She is working for Bricks.”
I nod, prodding him to continue.