Page 62 of Finding Forever
“They’ve already charged him with breaking and entering. I guess that’s why they want us to look at the photos. If there’s enough evidence to charge him with stalking, they’ll do that, too.”
Eric frowned. “I don’t like leaving Riley here, even with Sherlock.”
I knelt in front of the big German Shepherd. “We’ll be fine, won’t we, boy?” I had a strong suspicion that Sherlock’s goofy grin had more to do with having his ears rubbed than looking after each other. “See…he agrees with me.”
Eric scowled. “If anything happens, we’re at least thirty minutes away.”
I scrambled to my feet. “I won’t leave the house. I’ll keep the satellite phone with me at all times and I’ll bake Alex a chocolate cake as a thank you for looking after us.”
“Sounds good to me,” Alex said. When Eric remained silent, he pointed to his house. “I agree with Detective Jameson. Riley’s safer here than in town. Look at my home. It looks as though Ma and Pa Kettle live here and not an international bestselling author and a world-renowned artist. Chapman’s at the police station and Riley’s mom and your agent are the only people who know you’re here. Nothing will happen.”
“I want your security system activated. If anyone arrives or leaves, we need to know about it.”
I looked at Alex.
“The security system hasn’t been off since you arrived. My phone will send me an alert if anyone breaks the infrared beams.”
I looked at Eric. “Does that make you feel better?”
“Not much.”
“Well, it will have to do. Russell Jameson’s waiting for you.”
After more grumbles, Eric finally left with Alex.
I kept my gaze on the plume of dust long after the truck was out of sight. Apart from Sherlock, I was on my own. And despite what I said to Eric, I was just as worried as he was.
I took the flour and baking powder out of the pantry, feeling a little better with something to keep me busy. Alex didn’t have a lot of cocoa, but there was enough for what I needed. When I got back to Sunrise Bay, I planned to buy a shopping cart full of groceries and give them to him. Alex had been so generous with his time and home that I didn’t know how I could ever repay him.
The satellite phone beeped, and with the mixing bowl in my arms, I walked to the dining table and smiled. Just as he’d promised, Eric had texted me to let me know they’d arrived in Broomfield. I checked the time. Depending on how many photos the police wanted them to go through, I might have another ninety minutes to finish the cake and make lunch for everyone.
Sherlock padded over to the back door and scratched at the frame.
“Do you want to go outside?”
His big brown eyes stared up at me, pleading.
“Okay, but only a quick trip.” I left the bowl on the dining table and unlocked the door. “I told your dad we wouldn’t leave the house.”
Sherlock ran outside, but as soon as he stepped off the veranda, he turned and whined.
“You’ll be okay.” My encouraging words didn’t seem to make any difference. Sherlock’s head swung toward the trees. I couldn’t blame him for going stir crazy. Staying inside wasn’t my idea of fun either.
“It’s okay, boy. Do your business, then come inside.” I forced a smile, hoping Sherlock made the most of his moment of freedom.
He didn’t move.
I looked at the mixing bowl, then back at Sherlock. With Chapman at the police station, the chance of anything happening was about as high as being attacked by a bear. A couple of minutes outside wouldn’t hurt.
The infrared beam across the front door twinkled like a Christmas light. Eric would already know I’d opened the door. What he wouldn’t realize was why I’d gone outside. Before he panicked, I sent him a quick text. I looked around the kitchen, turned off the oven, and peeked inside Alex’s office.
Four monitors displayed what the external security cameras saw. No vehicles or people in the driveway, the barn was clear, and the only activity along the side of the house was two geese waddling across the grass. Alex’s home had every high-tech gadget known to mankind, and just for once, I wished I didn’t feel like a goldfish in a plastic bowl.
Sherlock barked.