Page 82 of Finding Forever
I started to smile but ended up groaning.
“It’s okay. Your face is bruised. The doctors said it could take a few days for the swelling to go down.”
“I’m in the hospital?”
“We arrived four hours ago. You were unconscious when I found you.”
I tried to remember what happened. “Did you find Leith’s stepbrother?”
Eric nodded. “He’s dead.”
I closed my eyes. I should have felt some kind of sympathy for him or at least for his family. But all I felt was relief that he wouldn’t be back to finish what he started. Did that make me a bad person?
I looked at the pillows propping up my right arm. A large bandage covered most of my skin.
“You were shot, but the bullet didn’t shatter any bones or nerves. The doctor said you should make a full recovery.” Eric swallowed, looking exhausted. “The pillows are there to help reduce the swelling. Your leg has eleven stitches. Most of them are internal, so the scarring will be minimal.”
“Why do I feel so drowsy?”
“The doctors gave you a general anesthetic while they were operating on your arm.”
I nodded. Even that made my head ache.
“Would you like a sip of water?”
“Yes, please.”
Eric’s gentle smile made me sigh.
“I’ll raise the top of the bed.” He pushed a button, then held a straw to my mouth. “Don’t drink too much. The nurse said a little at a time is all you need.”
The cool water felt like nectar on my dry throat. I reluctantly let go of the straw and studied Eric. “Thanks. How are you?”
“I’m better now that I know you’re on the mend. I was worried about you.”
“I was worried, too. Leith’s stepbrother told me he was an FBI special agent. I called a number he gave me, and they said he worked from their office.” Tears filled my eyes. “I thought I was going to die.”
Eric squeezed my hand. “It’s okay. You’re safe and that’s all that matters.”
I bit my bottom lip to stop my mouth from trembling. Eric didn’t need to see me fall apart, not when he looked as though he was about to collapse.
“I called your mom,” Eric said softly. “Her flight arrives tomorrow afternoon. She’ll be glad to know you’ve woken up.”
“I’ll call her soon,” I whispered. My eyelids felt as though sacks of cement were lying on top of them.
“Have another sleep. I’ll be here when you wake.”
I closed my eyes and didn’t hear another thing.
I stared at the monitor beside Riley’s bed, my heart heavy with guilt and exhaustion. Yesterday had been a nightmare, and today wasn’t much better. Nurses had been in and out every half hour, adjusting pain relief and checking the fluids being pumped into Riley.
At one in the morning, his temperature had spiked. A doctor was called, and they administered more antibiotics. Riley had been tossing and turning, groaning in his sleep. It tore me apart to see him like this.
If it weren’t for me, he wouldn’t be here. His arm and leg wouldn’t be covered in stitches, and he wouldn’t be having nightmares. No one should have to go through what he had experienced. Ever.