Page 99 of Finding Forever
A waiter stopped beside us, holding a tray of Prosecco. Lorenzo took two of the wine glasses and handed one to me. “Signora Romano is very excited about your portrait. Are you sure you do not want to sell it?”
I’d met Sofia Romano earlier today. Her family was one of the wealthiest in Southern Italy. “I’m positive. I’m giving the painting to Eric.”
“I hope this Eric knows how lucky he is.”
“The value of the canvas won’t impress him.”
Lorenzo looked at me with solemn brown eyes. “That is not what I mean. My Riley is in love. It shines through in your painting as bright as the sun. You bring this man to me. I will make sure he is worthy of your love.”
With a smile, I kissed Lorenzo’s cheek. “You’re a good man, and so is Eric. As soon as he arrives with Mom, I’ll introduce you.”
“I look forward to it. I am sorry there is not better news about the burglary in Venice.”
Lorenzo’s eyes were full of sympathy. With no new leads, and no sign of my paintings, the Italian police had stopped looking for the culprits. At least Eric had more faith in Lorenzo now. After dissecting his every move, it was obvious Lorenzo had nothing to do with the burglary.
“It’s okay,” I told him. “The auction houses and galleries are still keeping an eye out for the paintings, but they’re probably in someone’s private collection by now.”
“It is not an honorable way to act,” Lorenzo said fiercely. His gaze swept across the gallery, settling on a man in a black tuxedo. “Paolo looks a little lost. Mix and mingle, Riley. I will be back soon.”
He moved through the guests with the ease of someone born to entertain. Most people in the gallery wouldn’t realize he came from humble beginnings. He built his business with hard work, determination, and an innate gift for spotting up-and-coming artists.
Leaving my glass on a table, I walked toward the huge wooden doors that opened onto the Canale delle Galeazze. Eric and Mom should be arriving any minute. From what Mom said, they’d spent most of the day hopping on and off gondolas, exploring markets and churches, and eating gelato. It wouldn’t surprise me if they took another gondola to the gallery.
I looked over my shoulder, then walked toward the canal. It felt good to be here alone, with no one asking questions or telling me how impressed they were with my paintings.
“You can’t run away,” Eric whispered from behind me.
I jumped, then stared at him. His black dinner jacket clung to his shoulders, making him look even more handsome than usual. “Wow. You look amazing.”
“Thank you, kind sir. I thought I’d better dress to impress. And talking about impressive, may I introduce the beautiful Kathleen Murphy.”
Mom swatted Eric’s arm. “That’s enough of that sweet talking. You’ve made me blush.”
I smiled at Mom. “You look gorgeous. Is that a new dress?”
Kathleen spun in a slow circle. “I bought it today.”
“It’s lovely.” The pale rose fabric was perfect against Mom’s complexion. With a pleated chiffon skirt and a sheer jacket over a satin bodice, it was stunning. “You should wear that color more often. It suits you.”
“Eric helped me choose it. If he ever wants to change careers, he could be a fashion consultant.”
Eric shook his head. “I enjoyed shopping with you, but I’ll stick to writing. There are only so many fashion boutiques I can visit before I hyperventilate.”
“The trick is to pace yourself. A little shopping, a little coffee. We did well today.” Mom smiled as Lorenzo joined us. “It’s good to see you again, Lorenzo.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Kathleen. You are as beautiful as ever.” He turned to Eric. “And this must be the man who has stolen my Riley’s heart. Welcome to the Ricci Gallery.”
I sighed. I should have known Lorenzo would make the most of Eric’s appearance.
“It’s good to be here.” Eric shook Lorenzo’s hand. “I’ve heard a lot of good things about your gallery.”
“We try to be the best we can be. Perhaps I could show you some of Riley’s paintings?”
I glanced at Mom before holding onto Eric’s arm. “I can show Eric around. He hasn’t seen the second painting I finished in Sunrise Bay.”
Lorenzo’s eyebrows rose.
“I wanted it to be a surprise.”