Page 62 of Hung
The nickname is endearing, but I need to wrap this up and get my girl out of here. I need her safe.
“Nope,” she blurts out.
Seriously? I add paddling her cute ass to my to do list. When a deranged maniac is holding you at gunpoint, you give him the words he wants. And then you go with your boyfriend’s secret escape plan. She and I need to get on the same page ASAP. Plus, I want her inside the car. Those patrol cars have bulletproof glass, and, even if the door stays open, she’ll have more cover there.
Thad can’t cover both of us if she moves as he’s ordered. I think Sarah Jo must have figured that out for herself, because she springs into action. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. I’m supposed to be the one rescuing her, but she sweeps her leg out in a solid roundhouse and nails Thad in the back of his knees. Thad staggers, gun waving wildly, but he doesn’t go down. Good. She’s left something for me to do here. I move, going in fast and hard.
“Bitch.” Thad screams the word like it’s a bad thing, and points the gun in Sarah Jo’s direction. Or tries to. I bitchslap that sucker, slamming my palm into the barrel and pushing up. That puts Thad’s first shot up into the trees.
I hug Thad’s arm tight, throwing all my weight into it as I bring my knee up and my head forward like I’m speeding down the fucking highway in all kinds of rush. My head smashes into Hill’s forehead at the same moment I drive my knee into his groin. What happens next is a whole lot of screaming as I put the other man on the ground, twisting his wrist and taking possession of the gun.
“Told you, you wanted to be talking.” I remove the chamber and pocket it, tossing the gun behind me.
Emptying the gun is as much for Thad’s protection as it is Sarah Jo’s. I want to kill this fucker so badly. He hurt my girl. He terrorized her. I don’t think he deserves do-overs, second chances, or even a nice, comfy jail cell and decades of alone time, do you? I might also be headed straight for caveman territory because I also want to pick Sarah Jo up, toss her over my shoulder, and hole up somewhere with her. She could have been hurt. Hurt more than she already has been. Tearing Thad apart with my utility knife or just stomping the ever living fuck out of him with my steel-toes both seem like fair options. Sarah Jo will probably want to weigh in on Thad’s future, however, so I need to dial my caveman back.
When I look away from Thad, I find her fast enough. Of course she hasn’t taken advantage of the opportunity to run, fall back, or make a strategic retreat. She looks pissed, so maybe she’s over being scared. That’s good. I do a quick visual inventory since my hands are busy mauling Thad, but she looks okay. No blood or visible puncture wounds, although she’s definitely mussed up, and Thad has zip-tied her hands behind her back. Once I’ve handed Thad off, I’ll strip her down and check every inch. Kiss her better too, if she’ll let me.
“You okay?”
While she thinks over her answer, I flip Hill over and plant my knee in his back harder than is strictly necessary. And wouldn’t you know it? A quick rummage through the man’s utility belt reveals a lifetime supply of zip-ties. I suspect he likes tying people up more than he should. I’m all for kink, but I’m also a fan of consenting, adult partners. I secure his wrists with a pair, and then add a second for good measure.
“Sarah Jo?” I prompt. I still need a verbal on that question of mine.
“I’m fine,” she says, twisting to look at her wrists.
“I’m holding you to that.”
That’s all I have time to say because the noise approaching us says that our backup has arrived. Four hotshots have peeled off from the group effort to extinguish our supply shed. They’re big-ass, mean sons-of-bitches, which fits the bill nicely. Deputy Douche won’t pass Go and won’t collect two hundred dollars or my girl—he’s headed straight for jail unless my boys kill him first.
“You need a hand? Or just help burying the body?” Colt’s gaze flicks between Hill and Sarah Jo. As a former race car driver, he’s used to making split-second decisions and I’m pretty sure he’s figured out the situation here. He certainly doesn’t question why I have an officer of the law pinned and cuffed.