Page 122 of The Bodyguard
“Oh, god, oh, god, oh god. Savannah!” I hear Gina screaming through the door. “Don’t you fucking die on me, you bitch!”
I have to get in there.
Gina is armed and the next bullet could hit me. But that’s why I have the vest on, so if I have to take one in the arm or leg, then so be it.
It’s my head that is the issue.
This is the problem with rookies. They’re a fucking terrible shot, so they’ll either miss the spot between my eyes. Or get it accidentally.
My only option is to burst in there and surprise her.
Nothing like fucking with fate on a Monday morning.
Unfortunately, we acted so quickly we didn’t comms up. So I can’t talk to Aidan. With two floors to search, he won’t be down here in time to create a distraction for me.
I could text him, but if Savannah is bleeding out, I need to move right fucking now.
“That bullet went off accidentally. If I’m going to fucking kill you, bitch, it has to be on purpose. Sit up!!! Sit up!!!”
I count to three, crouching, and reach up to slowly turn the handle.
Gina continues to scream like a lunatic.
I nudge it open and peek in as it swings wide.
My chest clenches when I see the scene inside. Savannah is lying in a pool of blood and could very well be dead. Gina is standing over her screaming, shaking, and waving the gun.
You motherfucker!
One way or another, I’m going to make sure her life is short.
I hope she does both of us a favor and tries to fucking shoot me.
“Nick was mine. If you’d just left him alone, you cunt. You fucking cunt.” Gina screams.
I stand and walk through the door with my gun raised and pointed at her head.
“Drop the gun and put your hands up.” I yell slowly and clearly.
“Do not turn around. Do not point your gun at me or I will shoot you.”
Please do.
Gina whips around in surprise, her gun wobbling everywhere as she finds me.
“Gun on the ground!” I yell this time, my voice the darkest I’ve ever heard it.
“You. You!” Gina replies, waving the weapon in the air as she turns back to Savannah. “You can’t save her. She’s dead.”
“You better fucking hope that’s not true.” I growl as I start to lose control of my emotions.
One bullet.
There is no one here to see it and I would not regret this death if she’s killed the woman I love.