Page 26 of Psycho Sinners
"Guess it does," I shot back, voice dripping with all the sarcasm I could muster as I ignored the throb in my throat. My hands clenched at my sides, the only show of defiance I was privy to.
“Julian’s eager to test you out, kitten.”
I shuddered as Julian appeared behind him, grinning like he’d just been gifted a shiny new toy.
"Are you really willing to risk it? Might puke up everywhere,” I rasped out.
“We can bend you over, let you heave onto the floor,” Cristian was quick to respond.
My lip pulled into a grimace at the thought of throwing up while being fucked. Just how twisted was he? Although Julian seemed unfettered as well, which was alarming. Maybe I’d hit him hard enough he’d lost all sense.
“Kitten,” Cristian's lips curled into a smile that didn't reach his dark eyes, "I've got a month to savor you. Not a second will be wasted."
His words were a cold promise, wrapping around me like chains.
“I suggest you get out of those clothes, pyro. Or we’ll cut you from them,” Julian spoke up.
“You might just have to do that,” I hissed, fighting the urge to take a step back. I wouldn’t let them see my fear, feed on my unease.
“Mmm, that would be fun.” Cristian cocked his head at me.
They moved in, and I remained frozen, focusing on Noms and Ray. I had no choice but to surrender, to allow them to do this.
One month. I just had to survive one month. If I fought back too much, they’d kill me, or my friends.
Ray and Noms had become like my family, they were all I had.
I wouldn’t condemn them for a stupid choice I’d made. I’d pay the price necessary.
“Are you afraid, kitten?” Cristian grinned as he drew up before me, his hand moving to capture my chin.
I didn’t answer, only held those dark eyes like my life depended on it. Something flared in them as his smile widened, and then he used his body to drive me back against the kitchen counter.
“Take your clothes off before I cut them off you,” he commanded, and my lip curled defiantly.
“Better do as he says, pyro, he might nick you with his knife.” Julian snorted as he stepped up behind his brother, the pair of them looking at me like hungry wolves.
I steeled myself, my blood boiling as I raised my chin, not wanting to appear meek before them. I could take this, I had to. I’d survived this long in life, I wasn’t about to let these two fuckers break me.
I pulled my shirt over my head, scowling at the deep chuckle from Cristian when he released my face, his gaze dropping to my bare torso. The clothes Ty had given me were only a shirt and shorts, no underwear.
Cristian didn’t take a step back, forcing me to sashay the shorts off to avoid bending down and sticking my face in his crotch.
Goddamn asshole.
“There, don’t you feel better?” Cristian said, his mocking tone making me grind my teeth. “Now, are you going to try to bite me or claw me?”
“I thought you liked me clawing you,” I spat back, drawing a sharp laugh from him.
“I do, I even like it when you bite,” he cooed as his hand caught my chin once more. “Now, I want you to fight me.”
“What?” I narrowed my eyes.
“You heard me, I like it when you fight. If you don’t, things will get more ugly,” he promised as Julian smirked over his shoulder.
What did he mean by that? Was his roughness last night barely scratching the surface of what he would do to me? The thought made the sickness churn in my gut once more.
“Fight like your life depends on it. Otherwise you might not be talking again for the entire month.” Cristian’s hand moved to my throat, and I grimaced at the insinuation of more brutality on it. I was already struggling, my words raspy and hoarse. Anything further and I’d be lucky to swallow food.