Page 36 of Psycho Sinners
When the elevator finally dinged and the doors opened, I tried not to show my shock at the lavish apartment it opened directly into.
The black and marble design downstairs reached here, the modern style loft apartment was easily worth several million. All the walls were glass on this level, giving a 360 view of the vibrating city, pulsing with life in the night.
A glass and marble spiral staircase led up to the second floor, which I could only assume contained all the rooms, since a gaze around revealed a living area, dining area, and a vast kitchen. It was sparse and sleek, more like a show-home than a place anyone lived in.
No, it was a bachelor pad for the elite, that’s what it was.
“Your room will be the last on the left upstairs, the guest suite,” Tyrone stated as he started for the staircase.
Was I supposed to follow him? Julian and Cristian had veered off to the kitchen to my relief.
Tyrone paused, casting me an impatient look, and I hurried after him. No need to piss off the big bad wolf.
He waited for me to pass him and start up the stairs before he followed, an imposing tower behind me.
He was only two steps behind me as he walked me to my room, and the closeness was making the hair stand on the back of my neck.
“There’s an ensuite. Stay in your room.” His tone was final as I paused in the doorway, taking in the lavish room. Well, it’d do.
His disgruntled sigh made me take the few steps into the room, and I turned just as he pulled the door shut, a lock sounding outside.
Of course he was locking me in like some damn rebellious teenager.
I rolled my eyes as I swung back to inspect my new quarters. It could certainly be worse, I could be in a basement cell or some shit. I’d focus on the positives.
There was a desk off to one side against the wall, along with a fancy king-size bed with velvet-looking sheets, while the far wall was all glass. The other wall had two doors, and I moved to investigate them. The ensuite and a walk-in closet. Pretty extreme for a guest suite.
I moved to the floor-to-ceiling window and gazed out at the city below, feeling the weight of my captivity press down on me like a suffocating darkness. The skyline, a symbol of opportunity and freedom to many, only serves as a painful reminder of my captivity and sentence.
The city below bustled with life, its vibrant energy mocking me. I longed to be down there, among the crowds, free to roam and make more stupid decisions.
I scowled at the thought. Stupid decisions were my life, my temper and impulsiveness had put me in this mess.
Now I was bound by a stupid agreement, invisible chains keeping me here until I served my sentence. Brutal hands ready to remind me of my place if I fucked up or spoke out too brashly.
I turned back to my room, my gilded prison, and marched over to the bed. I flopped onto it, grateful there was a TV on the far wall this time. I snatched up the remote on the bedside table, praying there were some channels or even a streaming service. To my relief, Netflix was right there, linked up to an account. Three profiles greeted me, T, J, and C. I clicked on Tyrone’s, the first one, and wondered if I could pass the next twenty-nine days with a binge of shows. I could sure as shit mess up their Netflix algorithms.
No, I wouldn’t be able to just hide in here and waste time. I was to serve them, be their little pet.
It left a bitter taste in my mouth as I glared at the TV like it was part of the reason I was in this mess.
Perhaps I’d be left alone tonight though after their fun earlier.
I crossed my fingers as I focused on that hope, trawling through the shows and movies mindlessly.
It could be worse.
I shot awake at movement in the bed, snapping my head to the side, eyes wide as Cristian’s horrid smile greeted me.
“Morning, kitten.”
I recoiled as he pulled the blanket back, my heart hammering as I tried to make sense of this.
Everything came flooding back into my mind as he crawled up my body despite me trying to scramble away.
He caught my arms, pinning me down as he grinned wickedly down at me.
My breath caught as I realized he was stark naked, and my stomach flipped.