Page 40 of Psycho Sinners
I dug into some of the chips and popped a can of soda as I shoved my haul into my bedside table, sliding the half-full cooler under the bed as well.
“We got this, just drown it all out,” I muttered as I turned my show back on, snuggling in beside my furry companion.
All I had to do was survive. I’d figure everything else out later.
I shot up straight, pausing my show at the sound of movement outside my door. My pulse quickened, and I gritted my teeth, awaiting whatever happened.
Sure enough, the door swung open, and Tyrone’s imposing frame filled the space. He eyed my companion before returning his gaze to me.
“There’s dinner downstairs.”
“I’m good,” I said, surprised that he hadn’t strode in here like he owned the place. Well, he did, but still.
“It wasn’t an invitation. Get downstairs.” His dark eyes glossed over me, moving to my soda can and bag of open chips on the bedside table.
I slid off the bed, knowing there was no point arguing or trying to defy him. It was only going to bite me in the ass somehow.
So I begrudgingly went downstairs, with him two steps behind me like a wolf waiting for me to falter. It was unnerving, and I could feel his intimidating form behind me, closing in and almost suffocating me.
Downstairs, Julian and Cristian were already seated at the marble-topped table with what looked like some fancy steak meals with roast veggies. Had someone cooked? Or had they bought it?
Not that I cared. I just wanted to return to my room and stay as far away from them as possible, even if the food looked enticing.
I took the spot beside Julian, where a plate was already served up. Cristian was on the other side of the table, and Tyrone took his seat at the head.
“Eat,” Tyrone’s tone was low, but I didn’t dare think for a second that it wasn’t an order.
I clenched my teeth as I stared down at my meal, feeling all eyes on me. The clothes I’d gotten out of the closet were not flattering, but I didn’t care. If I could dissuade them from coming after me in any possible way, I was doing it.
“You should be grateful, Scarlet,” Tyrone stated as he leaned back in his seat, fixing those dark eyes on me with distaste.
“Grateful? I’m a sex slave, I’m getting raped here,” I hissed, and his lip quirked unhappily.
“You’re getting a room with amenities, food, and you’re only required to serve your term with us,” he said as he rested his hand on the table.
I noted the gold ring on his middle finger, the chunky ring looking like it was some sort of crest. A family crest, perhaps?
“So the room and food makes it all the more better?” I scoffed, and Cristian smirked while Julian scoffed.
“You’re not chained up. You have free range here, which I see you’ve used to help yourself to food. It could be a hell of a lot worse.”
“Just because my pile of shit isn’t as big as someone else’s, doesn’t mean it isn’t still shit,” I muttered, and Julian barked out a wry laugh as Cristian snorted.
“You need to learn your place and have some respect,” Tyrone said as he lifted his head higher, looking down at me like I was beneath him. It really rubbed me the wrong way, and I knew my expression matched how I felt.
“Perhaps I should show her what it’d be like to be a true sex slave? Chain her up, naked, in my room?” Cristian suggested, and I scrunched my face up at the despicable thought. He just arched a brow at me, still wearing that shit-eating grin.
What the fuck was wrong with him? Was he dropped on the head as a damn baby?
“No, she needs to learn to behave,” Tyrone said, before directing his words at me. “You owe us, we did you a favor, a big one at that. You could be in jail, possibly for life for attempted manslaughter if the jury saw fit. A month of servitude how we please isn’t that much of a trade for a life sentence, now is it?”
I swallowed, glaring daggers at him.
He narrowed his eyes at me, and my stomach tightened as his jaw ticked.
“Get undressed,” he ordered. “Try to defy me, and I’ll cut off your fingers one by one.”
A chill swept down my spine at the threat, and I knew he wouldn’t hesitate to see it through after what he’d done to Ray.