Page 3 of The Mayor's Surrender
She ducks her head and then twists her lips. I hadn’t spoken to her in months, avoiding all contact because she was too tempting for me to handle. Although I always kept track of her from the moment I exited the hospital. “I suppose it is awkward that I’m here.”
“No, Ms. Phillips, I recall you working in the community, correct?” She never returned to college after everything.
“Yes. Well, I was fired because of my father.” She claps her hand to mouth, regretting that slip of the tongue. She didn’t want to share that information with me, but I wanted to know.
“What?” I tried to act surprised, but I knew the bastard was the reason she was canned. He had a temper and a serious problem with alcohol and women. Today, I’d deal with him one way or another.
“Well, who gets fired from a volunteer position, right?” The disappointment and sadness are on her face, but she swallows it back and shrugs it off.
“People who are fools. Have Ms. Granger show you to your desk. I have things to do.”
“Yes, Sir. Thank you for this opportunity.” I nod and pretend that her words have no true effect on me when I want to leap over my desk and kiss her soft lips while wrapping her in my arms. Still, as much as she feels this is a favor to her, this job is more of a favor to me. It’s not like I have a choice in the remaining staff.
As she leaves with Ms. Granger, I release a calming breath and remind myself that distance and professionalism are key. I can do my best to resist my attraction to her because I spent my life as a Seal and have years of experience with control under pressure.
It was late when I crept through the alleyway where Jack Phillips stumbled along drunk.
“Jackie boy, we need to have a word.”
He nearly jumps out of his skin, twirling in a circle and leaning on a trash can. “Whoa. What the fuck are you doing following me, Payne?”
“It’s Mayor Payne to you,” I informed him, standing at full height.
His eyes turn to slits as he glares at me. “I don’t care what it is. You ruined my life.”
“Ruined your life? I gave you a chance to get better, and you didn’t fucking take it.”
“No, you suckered this community into thinking you’re a good guy by pretending to forgive and forget. Now you’ve hired my daughter. So what? You can try to fuck her,” he hollers, getting more and more belligerent. I want to drop him on his ass and send my fist in his face, but I have to be the better man.
“I didn’t hire her. My staffer did that, and that’s against the rules, Jack, but don’t ever speak about your daughter that way again.”
“You’ve been eyeing my daughter from the first moment. I’m not blind.”
“Watch it, Phillips. I’ll forget that you’re her father and finish what I should have done back then.”
“Of course, you’re corrupt. I wouldn’t expect any less.”
“You’re the corrupt one. If you don’t get away from Taylor, I’ll let on the real reason your wife was having an affair or why you were driving intoxicated. I don’t condone cheating, but there’s only so much infidelity someone can tolerate. How many times did you give your wife an STI?”
“Fuck you, Payne.” He swings at me, but I’m prepared. I step out of the way, watching him hit the ground, flailing as he stumbles in an attempt to catch himself with no luck. Phillips groans as the gravel cuts across his skin. I spot my new security off at the alley, keeping a close watch on the scene.
“I’d move out of town and stop embarrassing yourself and ruining Taylor’s life. You’re the reason she had to get a new job with the Mayor’s office. Throwing her in my path was all your doing. I should thank your sorry ass, but I won’t because she’s hurt by your actions. Clean your act up before you dare bring yourself around her again.” I walk away and meet with my security, Greg.
“I need to call my lawyer. Taylor needs protection from him. I want him out of town by morning.”
“I’ve got friends that could make that happen.”
“I don’t want him dead.”
He throws his palms up. “Understood.”
I chuckle and shake my head. After all, I was trained to kill, but I didn’t do it illegally. Besides, Taylor loved her father even if he was toxic and cruel as fuck.
Chapter One
Over A Year Later