Page 53 of Lesbian CEO
“So good.”
She doesn’t know it yet, but I’m going to ask her to stay. Jessica’s apartment truly is lovely, but so is the house I bought. After all, I bought this with her in mind. It’s been a long time and things have changed so much since I purchased the home, but I’ve always dreamed of having a life here with her. I’d love to keep on dreaming.
“We should get going to work,” I tell her. My voice holds a certain level of reluctance. I don’t really want to go. I want to stay here with her and hide away.
“Only because I love you,” she says. “And only because soon, we’ll be going to the same building.”
“You really think this is going to work?” I ask her.
“Yes. I’ve got great lawyers. I told Patrick to schedule me an appointment for this morning, so I’ll talk to my guy and start working on the paperwork.”
“And everyone can keep their jobs?”
“Everyone can keep their jobs,” she affirms.
“And we’ll be able to grow and expand.”
“Slowly, and with time, but yes. I think absorbing your company into mine is going to be the best move. We’ll make you a department, rather than a separate entity. You had a great idea and you’ve done a wonderful job. I’m excited to get to be a part of what happens next.”
It’s not a failure. That’s what she’s saying. I’ve been working on my business for years, but it’s not a failure. Even though I’m not continuing forward with my own little brand, what Jessica is trying to tell me is that I did a good job. I worked hard and all of that hard work paid off. Now I have the chance to try something new. I get to pivot. I get to change.
And I get to keep doing what I was doing before, but with the option to grow because she’s going to help me.
No matter what comes next, she’s going to be by my side.
Jessica gets up and swaggers to the bathroom. She starts the shower and comes back. She leans in the doorframe, grinning, and gestures for me to join her.
“Come with me.”
“I will,” I tell her. “I’ll be right there.” She nods and smiles, turning back. I hear her climb into the shower and slowly, I manage to climb out of bed even though I don’t want to. What I want is to start the next chapter of my life. What I want is to have the chance to spend my time with Jessica.
The two of us could grow old together, I realize. We could have adventures together. We’re both in better places than we were two years ago, and I’m starting to realize that even though we broke up and got back together, maybe that, too, doesn’t indicate failure. Maybe it indicates a willingness to succeed even when the odds are stacked against us.
I reach for my phone and start swiping through notifications. When I get to Hillary’s texts, I don’t bother reading them. I just call her.
“Did you read the news today?” Hillary says. “It’s terrible. I really think this is the end.”
“Put away your resume file, Hillary.”
Yeah, I knew she was working on her resume. I had a feeling my assistant, whom I love, was thinking about how she was going to survive once my company imploded, but she doesn’t have to do that anymore. Jessica is going to help me move forward in more ways than one. The two of us may have had a choppy road leading to this point, but we’re a united front now. We’re going to move forward together. It’ll be one day at a time, one step at a time, but I believe in us.
“You don’t need to apply for other jobs.”
“But I...who said...I’m not.” I hear the hint of steel in her voice, but I know she’s lying. Well, maybe she’s technically telling the truth, but there’s no way Hillary really thinks I’m buying what she’s selling.
“You don’t need to apply for other jobs because we aren’t dissolving.”
“What are you talking about? The news says...well, it says a lot of things.”
“And it’s almost all wrong.”
“We aren’t being sold?”
“We are,” I tell her. “But you’re keeping your job and you’re getting an assistant.”