Page 104 of Pelvic Flaws
As I walked into Heaven & Ink, Scarlett looked up from her computer screen and smiled. I waved a hand, feeling a little foolish about storming out of the bar the night before.
“Hey, Scarlett, thought I’d best come in with a peace offering for Dex.” I held up a plastic box full of cookies that I’d made. Maple syrup and chocolate, his favorite.
“Ah, don’t worry about it, nothing to apologise for. It wouldn’t be a good night out if someone didn’t have a row. No one really noticed anyway – well except for Nate, seeing as he saw you be carried away.”
Scarlett giggled and I winced inwardly, I hated people who aired their disagreements in public. I always found them to be egotistical, attention seekers and there I’d been, behaving in the exact same way. It was the thought of Dex fancying Sophie, I just couldn’t stand it. He was my Dex, the man who’d made me start to realise I wasn’t on the scrap heap and that I still had something to offer the world. Sophie already had twenty years of youth on me, she wasn’t having my man too.
“Is Dex in his office?” I asked.
“He’s in Topper’s room. Dex had to cover for him.”
“Oh, if he’s busy I’ll leave it.”
I was such a coward. We’d had some great sex last night when we’d got back to his flat, but we hadn’t really addressed what were my, probably irrational, fears. For all I knew, he’d thought about it in the clear light of day and realized I was too insane to be bothered with. On that thought, I’d rather run out of there faster than a Nun in a sex shop, than have to face him.
“He’s free,” Scarlett said with a grin. “You’ve got ten minutes before his next appointment.”
The little witch knew that I was scared. I glanced at the door, getting ready to run, but doubted I was quicker than Scarlett, who would probably block my escape. As I contemplated wrestling her to the ground, a door opened and Nate appeared from his room.
“Katie, how you doing?” he asked. “You feeling okay after being hung upside down by Dex last night?”
I felt my cheeks colour as I grimaced.
“Yeah, I think I let the drink get the better of my senses.”
“Well no idea what it was about,” Nate said, winking at me. “But Dex looked determined to sort it out.”
I didn’t answer, but gave him a weak smile.
“Anyway, I’m off to do a lunch run. You want anything Scar.”
Scarlett shook her head. “No thanks, Nate. I’ve got a salad in the fridge.”
“You, Katie?”
“No, thanks. I’m just here to see Dex.”
Nate grinned, knowingly. “Okay, well maybe see you later. If not, the next work’s night out.”
I wasn’t sure Dex would ever invite me again, but just nodded and smiled as Nate left to buy his lunch.
“I’ll go through then,” I said, knowing I had to get it over and done with.
“Okay. He’s in Topper’s room, second door on the right,” Scarlett replied and then went back to her PC.
Knocking on the door, my stomach was in knots – what if Dex was really angry with me, what if he told me to get lost and never come near him again? What if the orgasms he’d given me last night were the last he’d ever give me? Shit, this was worse than I thought.
“Come in.” His deep, Texan drawl growled.
With a heavy breath, I pushed down on the handle and walked in. Dex had his back to me, sorting through his trolley, obviously getting ready for his next client.
As he reached behind him to grab a box, images of the discus thrower statue that I’d seen in a museum in Rome, flicked in front of my eyes – but in my head, this one had Dex’s head. I knew what was beneath the jeans that hugged his tight bum and the pale grey t-shirt that stretched across his back, and it was amazing. For a man of his age, he was incredible and the thought of him naked caused a flurry between my legs. I wanted to cry, because this might be the last I ever saw of him. I knew I would forever hold this image in my head, because I’d need it to get me through the long, lonely nights of the rest of my life.
“Just put the file down, Scar, and give me a few. They’re ten minutes early anyway.”
He sounded pissed off and that made me feel even more nervous. It didn’t matter though, I had to face him sometime.
“It’s me,” I replied with a squeak in my voice. I cleared my throat as he spun around. “Scarlett said you had a spare ten minutes.”