Page 107 of Pelvic Flaws
“Where?” Isaac asked. His eyes wide with interest.
I shrugged. “Not sure, maybe the center of Manchester.”
“Isaac,” D’reen, Katie’s mom reprimanded. “Do we have to discuss vomit at the table?”
Isaac rolled his eyes. “It’s not vomit, Nana. It means good.”
“Sick is good?” she asked, amazed.
“Oh I don’t understand you young people,” D’reen muttered. “All these silly words and rapping music about women’s footwear. I just get lost with it all.”
“Women’s footwear?” Charlie asked. “What do you mean, Nana?”
“Well, they’re always going on about their women’s booties and wanting to slap them, for some reason. It’s all very bizarre. Why on earth would you want to slap a pair of boots?”
We all looked at each other and burst out laughing.
“Oh, you’re all weird,” D’reen stated and forked a potato.
“Well it’s your DNA that’s in all of us, Mum,” Katie said, raising her brow at D’reen.
“I think my DNA is the good bits.” D’reen patted her orange hair. “You get your good hair from me.”
Katie choked out a cough and grabbed her glass of water, taking a long slug.
“Oh yeah,” Isaac added. “I’ve seen that photograph.”
Katie gave him a glare. “That photo is never to be mentioned.”
“Which photo is that?” I asked, nudging Katie’s foot under the table.
“Not one that you need to worry about. Now eat your lunch.”
I let out a laugh and turned to Isaac. “Okay, spill the beans buddy.”
“Isaac! No!”
“Oh Katie,” D’reen said with a grin. “Don’t be so silly, it’s a lovely photo.”
“How do you know which one he’s talking about, Mother?”
“There can only be one that fills you with dread.” D’reen turned to Isaac. “I think Dex should see it, don’t you?”
“No,” Katie snapped. “Don’t you dare.”
“It’s not that bad,” Annie chipped in. “I mean, it was ninety-ninety-three.”
“I’d really like to see this picture,” I said, as I cut up a piece of chicken. “You know, so I know what I’m getting myself into.”
“It’s not happening.” Katie shook her head and let her concentration go back to her lunch.
“Do you mean this one?”
No one had noticed Charlie leave the table, and then reappear holding a Polaroid snap between his thumb and forefinger.