Page 116 of Pelvic Flaws
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“I’m so glad it went well, Dex,” I said into the phone. “I’ve been thinking about you, and wondering all day.”
“She’s gorgeous, Katie Cat. Looks just like my mom.”
“And the foster mum said it went well – that Savannah liked you?”
I desperately wanted Dex’s meeting with Savannah to go well, mainly because I didn’t want him to make a decision based upon the fact that he didn’t think he could be a good father to her. If the meeting had gone badly, I was sure he’d allow Cherry’s cousin to adopt his little girl. At least now he’d make a more informed choice.
“Yeah, I stayed while she had her bath, thinking Allison would put her straight to bed, but she came down in these cute little PJs with dogs on them, and said that she wanted to say goodnight.”
“And how was that?” I asked, trying desperately to keep the emotion from my voice. Dex didn’t need me breaking down on him.
He let out a soft laugh. “If I said amazing, would you think I was a pussy?”
“No, sweetheart, I’d think you were a daddy who’s fallen in love with his child.”
“Yeah, that’s about the top and bottom of it. She crawled onto my lap with a book and asked me to read to her. I just about managed to finish it before she started to yawn. She even does that like me, Katie.”
I smiled thinking about how Dex always stuck his arms into an L shape – one to the side, one in the air – when he was yawning.
“I’m so happy for you,” I whispered.
“There’s a long way to go yet,” Dex replied. “I still don’t know what I should do. I’d be bringing her to another country, Katie. Away from a life she knows, and I don’t know if that’d be right.”
A lump formed in my throat, as the fear of Dex taking Savannah, but living in Texas with her, reappeared and knocked around in my head.
“I know you’ll make the right decision. I just wish I was there to support you.”
“I know darlin’, but hopefully it won’t be much longer. If I decide to take custody of her myself it’ll be a little longer than if I decide to let the cousin adopt her. I can deal with that process from home, it’s just signatures and things and Savannah will stay with Allison and her husband until it’s all done. James, Savannah’s case worker, says the judge may insist on me getting counselling if I do decide to give her up, but seeing as I’ve only just met her he thinks it’s unlikely.”
“I called in at Heaven & Ink today,” I said, thinking a change of subject might help stave off Dex’s anxiety.
“Was everything okay?”
“Oh God, yes. Isaac forgot his lunch, so I dropped it in. They were all working hard and don’t appear to be missing you at all.”
Dex started to laugh, his deeply belly rumble that I adored.
“Please tell me you didn’t take a packed lunch in for him.”
“Yes,” I replied indignantly. “What’s wrong with that?”
“He’s a nineteen-year-old guy who, if we’re not mistaken, is having sex with my receptionist. The last thing he’ll want is you turning up with his sandwiches, juice carton, and an apple.”
I frowned. “Really?”
“Yeah darlin’, really.”
“Oh God, no wonder he could barely crack a smile when I walked in.” I groaned and then started to giggle. “He was whispering to Scarlett when I got there and she was messing with his hair.”
“I’m guessin’ you walked in on him trying to charm her panties off, Katie Cat.”
“He went as red as Scarlett’s hair and got rid of me pretty quick.”
“I’d be surprised if he ever talks to you again.”