Page 123 of Pelvic Flaws
I looked at her and chewed on my bottom lip. “He does make me happy.”
“Good. I’m glad.” She came over and gave me a side hug. “Pity Isaac isn’t still working at the record shop,” she said, nodding at the records. “He could have bought them from Dex.”
“I doubt Dex would want to part with them. I wouldn’t.”
“Hmm, clinging on to your youth, that’s what you old people do. Never mind, you’ll be able to sit in your rocking chairs and listen to them when we’ve all left home.”
“Well that’s going to be a while now,” I said with a sigh.
“Ah, so it is serious with you two.” Annie nudged me with her elbow. “I told Isaac it was, but he didn’t think you were as into Dex as he’s into you.”
“I really like him, love.” I looked at Annie and was glad to see she was smiling. “I’d like it to get serious, but who knows, especially now he has Savannah to think of.”
“Well I think it’ll be fine. What’s one more little sister to add to the brood?”
“Erm, I don’t think we’re quite at that stage yet.”
“Oh Mother, you’re so naïve.”
“What?” I asked, thrusting my hands to my hips.
“You’ve been at that stage since he laid the law down and told Dad he wanted to get to know us. He’s a keeper, Mum, and we’re all really happy for you, just don’t do anything stupid to mess it up.”
“Like what?”
“Like have Dad back.” She looked me in the eye and her steely gaze almost made me run in fear.
“Why on earth would I have your dad back? We were finished a long time before he left, so what makes you think it’s any different now.”
“Because Sophie Tit Wank threw him out two days ago.”
“What?” I gasped, flopping down onto Dex’s bed. “Why?”
Annie shrugged. “No idea, he won’t say, but he’s staying with Grandma and Grandad and you know how Grandad drives him mad, so I’m betting he’ll come crawling to you sooner or later.”
I shook my head. “Well he needn’t bother, because it’ll be a no from me.”
“Good. Now let’s get into town and spend Dex’s money.”
As Annie sauntered out, carefree and happy, I felt dread in my stomach that she may well be right about Carl coming to visit me.
I’d just gotten off the flight from hell, so when the first face I saw as I came through arrivals, was Katie’s, I couldn’t have been happier.
Savannah had screamed when we took off, cried for another half hour, slept for three, and then been awake for the rest of the nine hour flight. She’d been okay, a little grouchy when she first woke, but once the Stewardess gave her an iced Popsicle and we settled down to watch a couple of Disney films, I thought it was going to be smooth sailing. Then, two hours from home, Savannah May Colby, soon to be Michaels, decided she was bored and it’d be much more fun to climb all over me and run down the aisle and bang on the bathroom door every time someone went into it. I reckoned I’d lost at least seven pounds running around after her. Finally she ran herself out of energy and curled up on my knee, only to start screaming again as we started our descent.
“Oh Katie Cat,” I said against her forehead, pulling her into my arms. “Am I glad to see you.”
“I’ve missed you,” she whispered, hugging me tightly. “How’s she been?”
We both turned to look down at the cart where Savannah was curled up, asleep, on top of our cases.
“She’s a firecracker alright,” I said, stooping to stroke her hair. “I’ve gotta stop letting her get away with things because of her grief and because I’m scared shitless she’ll hate me.”
Katie smiled and cupped my cheek. “Who told you that?”
“Her case worker, her foster parents, even the old lady that sat next to us on the airplane.”